Compass No. 554 November 2019

From the Principal

Year 12 Team Through to First Tech Challenge National Finals

We congratulate our Year 12 team of Austin Beasley, Laslo Martin and Reuben Taverner who were the first group named to progress to the national finals of the First Tech Challenge competition last Saturday. The competition involved students building their own robotic device prior to the competition. On the day, teams had to not only have their robotic device working well but had to work in collaboration with different teams to complete the nominated tasks for each round.

The team now has the opportunity to compete in Sydney for the right to represent Australia in the United States. We congratulate the Year 12 team and their mentor Mrs Janine Stone on this outstanding achievement.

Principal's Log

We also congratulate all of our Mathematics teams on their involvement at last week’s Sunshine Coast Mathematics Competition. We particularly congratulate our Year 12 team who came second by one point and our Year 9 team who came third. The competition provided the opportunity for students to immerse themselves in the joy of problem solving in a variety of formats that involved individual and group approaches. We thank Mr Adam Doyle and our Mathematics staff for the development of these student’s skills.

This week we held the orientation day and information evening for Middle College students and parents. The energy and enthusiasm that was evident was a testament to the engagement of both new and current students. We thank Mr Ben Ryan, Mrs Rae Hall, Mrs Leanne Bevis, Mr Brett Kersnovske, Ms Leigh Finter, Mr Chris Mundey, staff, Year 9 student leaders and buddies for their leadership of the day. We also thank our Music and Hospitality staff and students who added the extra dimension to the student welcome. We appreciate the engagement of our existing and new parent body who took advantage of the opportunity to attend and connect at the orientation evening for parents.

Parents of Prep children for 2020 also took the opportunity to attend an orientation afternoon where leaders Mr David Druery, Mrs Sue Zweck and teachers provided insights into ways to prepare children for the next exciting step and the year ahead. We thank parents for their attendance, staff for leading the presentations and Friends of Pacific Chair Mrs Jenny Lee who spoke and connected with new and continuing parents at both the Prep and Middle College events.

Our Year 3 students enjoyed their outdoor education experience last week and we thank Mr David Druery and the Year 3 teachers for their leadership. This is the first step of a developmental program that spans from Year 3 to Year 12. At this camp, students received their camp journal which they will reflect in each year as they engage in Outdoor Education activities. One of the highlights for our Year 12 students in their final week at the College is to then receive their camp journal as part of their farewell activities.

We wish our Year 12 students all the best as they complete their final assessments and then enjoy a range of activities next week as a rite of passage from the College. These include presentations from the Red Frog Chaplaincy Network, the Commonwealth Bank and Queensland Police, painting a tile canvas which is kept and displayed by the College, planting a tree together with their Year 2 buddies, their Graduation Ceremony, Final Chapel and Formal. It is a memorable time for students, staff, parents and the whole community and we look forward to sharing each of these moments next week. 

We look forward to the STEM Showcase tomorrow afternoon. The showcase will involve Year 9 and 10 STEM students and Information Technology students displaying and demonstrating their various projects which have been developed throughout the year. We thank Mrs Claire Richards, Mr Wes Warner, Mrs Janine Stone and Mrs Kate Vaney for providing innovative learning experiences for students in this area.

As a showcase of further talent, our Music ensemble groups will then be performing at the Sunshine Coast Function Centre on Friday night from 6.30pm. This promises to be another entertaining evening where we can relax and enjoy the tremendous talents of our Music students. We thank Mrs Helen Williams, Mrs Aleisha Tuaine, Mr Steven Lake and instrumental staff for their leadership of our Music students.

One of the great joys of being in education is to celebrate the growth, talent and energy of young people. We give thanks to God for our students and their goodwill, our capable and passionate teachers and a community that comes together to celebrate and nurture a breadth of talent and capacity.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal

Important Notices

Building Opening Invitation

This Friday, we look forward to celebrating the opening of our Stage 9 Extensions which include the new Junior College learning space, Reception, Wellbeing Centre and space for our Administrative and Learning Executive. All spaces support the College’s innovative and contemporary approach to learning. The service commences at 8.45am in the College gym and all are invited to attend.

From the College Pastor

Peaceful Conflict Resolution

Humans tend to have an inbuilt dumping capacity. I’m not talking here about the waste we put in our rubbish bins. Instead, when we feel attacked by another person, and our relationship with them becomes conflicted, our defensive tendency is to ‘dump’ on others. Phrases like ‘You did this to me’ or ‘How could you have done this’ come out of our mouths. The emphasis in these reactions is always on you, you, you. Jesus said this about our judgements in conflicted relationships; “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? First take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye” (Luke 6:41-42).

When we experience conflicted relationships, our immediate reaction is usually to judge the other person. To emphasise what is wrong with the other person’s behaviours and thoughts. Jesus, however, encourages us in this parable to look inward to see that we are not ‘superior’ to others. Judgement begins with us not others. How have I contributed to the conflict? What can I do to change my behaviour? And in those hard conversations, how have I felt in response to conflict, not heaping aggression on what I think the other person has done.

Learning the skills to diffuse and resolve conflict is difficult for adults, let alone children and teenagers. It is a skill we can keep working on throughout life, as we will always experience degrees of conflict while we study, work, live and love other people here on earth. In our school and our homes, we have the opportunity to learn how we can bring peace into the heated exchanges we experience. The peace of God that surpasses all human understanding.

One basic strategy to promote peaceful conflict resolution skills is to use ‘I’ statements rather than aggressive accusations. Active listening to process how we felt and then voicing that so the other person knows what effect they had on our wellbeing is a first step. Basic polite language is essential in difficult heated emotive situations. Debriefing with children and young people after conflict situations to consider what works and what doesn’t work is another strategy. The most important thing is to be aware of when we dump on others and to communicate face to face in these tricky situations. Being mindful of what is happening inside of us, praying for peace to abound in our relationships and taking a deep breath before we speak are great places to begin.

Pastor Tim Jarick, College Pastor

From the Director of Students

Middle College Orientation Day

On Monday we came together as a community to officially welcome all new students joining the Middle College in 2020. I was particularly impressed by the manner in which the ‘buddies’ supported each new student. There was great energy and gusto as the Heads of House Ms Leigh Finter, Mr Chris Mundey and Mr Brett Kersnovske, supported by the Year 9 Student Leaders, led a range of ice breaking and ‘getting to know you’ activities at the start and conclusion of the day. The richness of the learning sessions during the day was testament to the creativity and dedication of the staff here at the College. We thank our Head of Teaching and Learning Middle College Mrs Rae Hall for her meticulous planning and collaboration with the Heads of Departments to provide a diverse range of curriculum experiences.

During the morning’s welcome assembly, I reminded students that their time in Middle College will be one of fun, excitement, challenge and growth. Crucially though, this will be in an environment that is safe and friendly. Likewise, in the evening I stressed the importance of reminding ourselves that this journey is a shared responsibility. Significantly, this message of working together in partnership is relevant to students across all year levels. We truly look forward to walking with all these students as their Middle College journey begins next year. We thank all staff and students who played their role in ensuring a positive day was had by all. I especially thank our Office Manager Mrs Leanne Bevis for her leadership and management of this event.

Restorative Practice

At Pacific, we understand that at times relationships will become fractured and frayed, especially as students become tired and somewhat frustrated with others. Consequently, as a College we adhere to what is known as Restorative Practices. Essentially, involvement in a restorative meeting is voluntary and is conducted in a safe space with a member of staff. The ultimate goal is for the person responsible for causing the other harm to be able to display empathy and apologise sincerely. Whilst for the person who has been harmed to be able to forgive and move forward. The Heads of House and I were fortunate to recently attend a conference held in Brisbane, celebrating 25 years of Restorative Practices in Queensland. It was a privilege to listen to Marg Thorsborne, the first person to conduct a Restorative meeting with students in Queensland and gain further insight as to how this practice helps build a positive climate and culture within a school. For more information about this, visit: or contact your child’s Head of House, classroom teacher or myself directly.

Ensembles Concert

We wish all Prep – Year 12 students involved in the Ensembles Concert a successful night of performing this Friday 8th November. The evening runs from 6.30pm to 8.30pm at the Sunshine Coast Function Centre. All families and friends are invited to attend what will be a fabulous showcase of musical talent.

Mr Ben Ryan, Director of Students

From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Year 3 Outdoor Education Camp

Last Thursday and Friday I had the pleasure of joining Year 3 students on their first Outdoor Education experience at Alexandra Park. Students and their teachers left the College on Thursday morning and returned to the College excited, if not a little tired, on Friday afternoon. Whilst at Alex Park they completed a variety of activities including the Sugar Glider, the Web of Life, a bushwalk, mini raft building and other activities aimed at developing cooperation, teamwork and confidence. The student’s behaviour was impeccable and they participated enthusiastically in all activities. Thank you to the Year 3 teachers Miss Nadine Richardson, Mr Joe Doran and Mr Steven Healy, Teacher Aides Mrs Natalie Rollings and Mrs Catherine Leavy and Outdoor Education Aides Tegan Luker, Georgie Snelling and Georgia Clark for the way that they cared for and supervised students.

Junior School Chess

Due to a variety of absences and activities, the Junior School Chess Tournament that was scheduled to begin this week will now commence on Monday 11th November. Students may still nominate for the tournament and are asked to see Mrs Sue Kleinschmidt in the P-5 Student Administration.

Prep Orientation Evening

Thank you to those new and returning parents who attended Wednesday night’s Prep Orientation Evening. Starting school is always an exciting and often challenging time for both students and parents. Hopefully the information, suggestions and explanations of what happens at the College will assist with a smooth transition next year.

Transition / Move-Up Session

Last Monday, all students across Prep – Year 5 had the opportunity to spend some time in the year level they will be in next year. The experience allowed students to get a feel for their new environment and experience the learning that will be occurring in their year level next year.

Mr David Druery, Head of Staff and Students P-5

Food for Thought

Helping Children Cope with Cliques

Friendship is an important part of children’s development. Having friends helps them be independent beyond the family and prepares them for relationships into adulthood. For more information, visit:

Mrs Annie Williams, College Counsellor


Friends of Pacific

Connecting College and Community

Noosa Triathlon

Well done to our fabulous team of 22 volunteers who assisted at the Noosa Triathlon over the weekend. Not only did they direct athletes, hand out drinks and help in transitioning, they also collected more than 200 discarded plastic water bottles for our recycling program. Thank you to all who helped out throughout the day. We especially thank Mrs Allyson Sarvari for capably leading the crew. Friends of Pacific will receive a donation from the Noosa Tri, which will go towards providing sustainable, environmentally friendly fixtures within the College.

Welcome to our Prep and Middle College Parents

This week, we had the honour of meeting 2020 Prep and Middle College Parents at the Orientation Evenings. We look forward to further connections with these families next year, including at the Welcome BBQ Breakfast on Friday 31st January.

Junior College Christmas Carols BBQ

We are next looking forward to assisting at the Junior College Christmas Carols on Friday 29th November by hosting a BBQ from 4.15pm – 6.30pm. If Middle and Senior College helpers (Year 6-12 students) and parents are able to assist at this event, it will enable junior parents to fully enjoy the concert. Please contact Mrs Jenny Lee on if you are able to help with the following:

  • Set up (2.00pm – 3.00pm)
  • Serving (4.00pm – 6.30pm)
  • Pack up (6.30pm – 7.00pm)

Next Meeting

The Friends of Pacific Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Tuesday 19th November at 6.30pm in the College Boardroom. We encourage you to consider supporting Friends of Pacific by nominating or expressing your interest for the 2020 volunteer committee. It’s a wonderful way to connect with fellow parents and staff, learn more about what is happening on campus and support events that bring much joy to our student body. The AGM nomination form is available here.

The next Friends of Pacific General Meeting will also be held at the College on Tuesday 19th November, commencing straight after the AGM. Please join us for Christmas drinks afterwards.

Mrs Jenny Lee, FoP Chairperson

Secondary College

Sunshine Coast Mathematics Competition

Last week, teams of students across Years 6-12 competed in the Sunshine Coast Mathematics Competition. Well done to all students who participated and represented the College. In particular, we congratulate our Year 12 team who placed second (by only one point), our Year 9 team who placed third and our Year 6 team who placed third in the relay. We also acknowledge the following students who achieved a 10 out of 10 score in the Maths Mentals challenge: Beyonce Mathew, Liam Russell, Sebastian Box, Noah Winten, John Redd, Patrick Swindles, Jackson Laverick, Joseph Higginson, Georgia Harle and Vivienne Casley.

Mr Adam Doyle, Head of Mathematics

From the Head of Career Development

VET Courses at School

The Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) is structured to allow students to choose a combination of learning options that best suits their strengths, interests and career aspirations. For example, students can receive credits towards their QCE both from school subjects and from Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses. While Year 10 students who are finalising their Senior Education and Training (SET) Plan should all be thinking carefully about what combination of school subjects will work best for them, they should also be considering whether or not to include VET options in their senior program of study. If students need more information about VET options, they should contact Mrs Wanda Hayes or Mrs Paula Willis.

Sport and Recreation Traineeship at Pacific

Each year, Pacific offers Year 10 students the opportunity to undertake a Traineeship in Sport and Recreation here at the College. Trainees work alongside Pacific staff, as well as completing units of study with the support of an external trainer. Students who complete the traineeship will receive eight (8) credits towards their QCE. Year 10 students who are interested in a possible career in sport and recreation are invited to express their interest in applying for the traineeship by emailing Mrs Wanda Hayes in the first instance. Expressions of interest must be received by 9.00am next Tuesday 12th November. In their email, students should outline how the traineeship will contribute to achievement of their career plans.

Outdoor Recreation Certificate Course

Some private training providers offer Vocational Education and Training (VET) Courses during the school holidays. Year 10, 11, and 12 students should consider these as a great holiday option. Not only will you have fun and learn useful skills, but all of these courses offer credits towards your QCE. We have just received information about one such course, a Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation. This course consists of a 7-day intensive training camp, with some pre-work and some post-work. Courses are available in Mooloolaba in December or January. The course includes a Recreational Marine Drivers Licence, a PADI Open Water Dive ticket, and First Aid. Students who complete the course will be eligible for up to five (5) QCE credits. Interested students should contact Mrs Wanda Hayes for more information.

Marine Biologist for a Day!

Ocean Life Education is holding a series of events for both primary and secondary students during December. The events give students a chance to experience marine biology in a hands-on way. For more information and to register, visit:

Defence Force Information Events

Women in Defence Information Session

Defence Careers Information Session

STEM Careers Q&A Panel Evening


Defence Careers Information Session

Mrs Wanda Hayes, Head of Career Development

Junior Sport (P-6)

Year 4-6 Sports Awards

With the Junior Sport program coming to an end for the year we will celebrate the achievements of 2019 next Tuesday at our Junior Sports Awards. The awards will be held in the College gym from 12.00pm – 1.00pm. This year Australian Commonwealth and Olympic Games Swimmer Jake Packard will be our guest speaker and presenter. We look forward to hearing Jake’s story next Tuesday.

During these awards we will be presenting our MVP and Coaches Awards from both Semester 1 and 2 SCISSA sports. This year we will also be presenting a new award for our Year 4-6 male and female sports star of the year. Parents are most welcome to attend the presentations.

Prep – 2 Swim Lessons

During Weeks 7 and 8 this term, students in Prep – Year 2 will participate in a two-week swim program run at Kawana Aquatic Centre. During the two-week program students will participate in five lessons under the supervision of qualified swim instructors provided by the pool.

The dates for the program are as follows:

Week 7

  • Monday 18th November  
  • Wednesday 20th November
  • Thursday 21st November

Week 8

  • Monday 25th November    
  • Wednesday 27th November

Students are required to wear rash shirts during each lesson and goggles are strongly recommended. Detailed information regarding the program was sent out earlier this term via CareMonkey.

Mr Darren Hooper, Head of Junior Sport

Secondary Sport (7-12)

SCISSA Soccer Results






Intermediate Boys A







Liam Russell

Niels Whiteley

Intermediate Girls A




Olivia Gartrell

Junior Boys A




Harrison Angel

Junior Girls B




Erin Dale


Mr Brett Kersnovske, Head of Sport

Club Sport

PLC Netball Club

As part of our ongoing series of People and Culture, we take a look into the Club’s development strategy.

At the 2017 Annual General Meeting, the Club endorsed a mandate to establish a Club for players of all ages and all abilities. This mandate was translated into the following key goals:

  • To field teams in all age groups and divisions;
  • The develop a pool of coaches to support the team requirements;
  • The development of qualified umpires;
  • To develop sound management structures; and
  • Develop a culture of diversity and equity.

Central to achieving these aims was the development of well trained and committed management team, hence the choice of our Club objective, which is Growing Future Leaders. As a school-based team, the Club acknowledged that the student body should take a leading role within the Club with the parents providing the mentoring and support structures. 

Students are actively encouraged to participate in the management of the Club. Leadership opportunities are available in the form of Club Captain, coaching, umpiring and serving on the Club Committee. For the 2019 season, the Club had 22 students severing in leadership roles at all levels from U7 coaching to serving on the Committee.

The development of technical capabilities is essential in achieving the Club’s aims. The recruitment of two former international players as coaches and three girls achieving their ‘National C’ umpiring qualifications has ensured the Club has the skills and expertise to deliver the stated goals.

Having invested in our people, the Club would like to retain those skills for the next generation. In response to this, the Club established our Ladies Teams, with the intent of providing a pathway for students to retain a connection with the Pacific community after graduation. The team has also provided an opportunity for mothers and their daughters to play netball together.

The Club accepts players from outside of the school community, which forms part of our diversity strategy. The Club has players from 11 different schools, which assists in connecting Pacific to the wider community. On the diversity front, the Club is yet to secure its first male player, a goal that remains a priority for the Club.

PLC Netball Club has a wider focus than just netball. Netball is the vehicle, not the outcome. The outcome is to nurture self-confident, committed and self-motivated young people.

Mr Trevor Colton, PLC Netball Club President

Uniform Shop

Upcoming Closure - Stocktake

The Uniform Shop is open from 8.00am to 9.30am every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Orders can be placed online via and will be delivered to your child the following day.

This year the Uniform shop will be closing for stocktake on Tuesday 26th November. Please ensure that, if you are in Year 9, that you have purchased your blazer, tie and trousers (for male students) and blazer and senior tie (for female students) before this date. 

2020 Uniform Requirements

If your student is commencing Year 1 in 2020, please see the below pictures for formal uniform requirements. All of these items are available in the Uniform Shop. Formal shoes for Year 1 are black leather lace ups. Skate shoes, high tops and Mary-Jane style shoes are not part of the uniform.

If your student is commencing Year 6 in 2020, please see the below pictures for formal uniform requirements. Year 6 students require a formal hat to be worn with their formal uniform. The bucket hat continues to be worn with their sports uniform. All of these items are available for purchase in the Uniform Shop. Formal Shoes are black leather lace ups. Skate shoes, high tops and Mary-Jane style shoes are not part of the uniform.

As the new year is always busy with new students, existing families are encouraged to make their purchases before the end of this term. Swimming trials are also in the first couple of weeks of school resuming next and all students in Year 3-12 are required to have school swimwear (or approved race swimwear) for both the trials and carnival. It is advisable to try swimwear on to get the correct fit. A full range of sizes will be in store from the beginning of November for both styles.

The Uniform Shop will be reopening on Monday 20th January 2020 for new student fittings. For appointments, please contact the Main Reception on 5436 7300.

Mrs Peta King, Uniform Shop Convenor

St Mark’s Lutheran Church

Service Notice


Sunday Worship Times

St Mark’s Church @ Pacific

9.30am Pacific Lutheran College

(Entry via Red Cedar Drive, Meridan Plains)

Google Maps St Mark's Lutheran @ Pacific


Are you looking for a friendly church where young people, old people, children, families and singles are appreciated, empowered and encouraged to grow as Christians?

Everyone is welcome!

Get in touch: Pastor Ray Morris

0429 856 532

Pastor Ray, St Mark's Lutheran Church

General Notices

LLL Banking

Pacific provides opportunities for children and parents to operate savings accounts with the Lutheran Laypeople’s League (LLL). The LLL is a charitable financial institution which provides savings accounts and has been trusted since 1921.

The LLL has a variety of savings accounts: personal and joint accounts; guardian accounts for children; and Business accounts, including self-managed super funds and not-for-profit organisations.

LLL Savings Accounts have many features, including:

  • A great interest rate;
  • No fees or charges at all;
  • Internet banking;
  • No minimum balance or deposit requirements;
  • No ‘bonus’ interest hurdles; and
  • Your money is available to withdraw at any time.

For further information regarding the LLL, visit the College’s Business Office or

Upcoming Dates


8                       Building Opening (8.45am)

                         STEM Showcase

                         Ensembles Concert

12                    Year 4-6 Sports Awards (12.00pm-1.00pm)

                         Year 7-12 Sports Awards (2.00pm-3.15pm)

12-14              Year 12 Alternative Days

14                    Year 12 Graduation – Venue 114, Lake Kawana (6.30pm)

15                    Year 12 Farewell Chapel (8.30am)

                         Year 12 Formal – Sebel (5.00pm)

18                    Year 3-4 Strings Concert (1.40pm-3.00pm)

18-20               Middle College Exams

18-26               Year 10 Exams

19                    Friends of Pacific AGM (6.30pm)

20-29               Year 9 Camp – Mt Binga

27                    Year 5-6 Multi Instrumental Concert (1.40pm-3.00pm)

29                    K-5 Carols Evening (5.00pm)


2                       Prep – Year 5 Closing Service (9.00am)

                         Year 9 Rite Journey Homecoming (5.00pm)

3                       Students’ Last Day

                         Year 6-11 Closing Service – Caloundra Events Centre (6.30pm)