Golf Day – Sunday 9th June
The Pacific Lutheran College and IBN Private Golf Day will be held on Sunday 9th June from 10.30am at the Pelican Waters Golf Club!
Registrations are now open! Click here to download the registration form and book your team in!
- $100 per individual player; or
- $400 per team.

The registration fee includes a cart, brunch and a meal at the 19th. We are planning a fun event, so gather your team together now!
Hole sponsorship opportunities are still available and we encourage you and your business to get behind the event. This prestigious 4-ball Ambrose event attracts the College’s top sports people as well as amateur golfers from across the Sunshine Coast – your prime target market.
Hole Sponsorship - $700
- Opportunity to display your banners at the hole.
- Opportunity to distribute promotional material to the golfers.
- Hole sponsors can enter one team of four (4) from your company (including a cart) to participate in the day and network with parents and players from the College.
Raffle Prizes
We thank Life and Love Photography for their generous prize package donation of a family portrait sitting. If you would like to donate a prize to the Golf Day Raffle, simply email us. A gift voucher or prize donation would be very much appreciated. With any donation, your business will be acknowledged with your business cards and flyers distributed to all players.
If you would like to be part of this event, please contact Golf Coordinator Erin Carter on 0403 125 824 or
Disco Support
FoP will be supporting the Neon Disco tomorrow evening with a BBQ and fruit station. Come say hello and lend a hand if you’re free!
Parent Representatives
We thank Mrs Rita Williams (Year 8 and 10) and Mrs Allyson Sarvari (Year 11) for offering to help out as Parent Representatives in the Middle and Senior College. Parents who are interested for Year 7, 9 and 12 are asked to contact Mr Ben Ryan ( or the Middle / Senior Administration Office on 5436 7315.
Woolworths Earn and Learn Promotion
Once again, FoP will coordinate the upcoming Woolworths Earn and Learn promotion. Next week, you’ll see the banners up around the College. When the stickers are released in coming weeks, please start collecting!
Save the Date – Trivia Night
The Trivia Night will also be held this year on Saturday 17th August in the Pacific gym! More information on this event will follow later in the year, however please mark the date in your calendars.
April Meeting
Our next Friends of Pacific meeting will be held on Tuesday 23rd April (the first day of Term 2) at 6.30pm in the College Library. All families and staff of the College are welcome to attend. We encourage you to come along and connect!
Mrs Jenny Lee, FoP Chairperson