Seeing ourselves as equally in need of God’s grace as our neighbour and trusting in that grace, frees us to live focused on making the best use of our gifts. There is no need to fight for position or status. Our energy can be spent on making the most of the opportunities we encounter. We recognise our strengths and weaknesses as part of the richness of diversity that makes us who we are as individuals and as community. We see our mutuality and interdependence on each other. We can live strong lives grounded in God’s grace.
Compass No 493 - May 2018
From the Principal
There was great energy around the campus as many current and new families engaged with the variety of activities on offer at our Open Day on Sunday. It was very uplifting to feel our community come together to welcome new families and enjoy the opportunity to share the quality and breadth of opportunity that is part of a Pacific education. Thank you to our staff, students and parents who assisted and participated on the day and particularly Director of Staff, Ms Marg Gunn for her organisation. Thank you to our grounds staff for their preparation for the day and their ongoing work in enhancing and sustaining attractive natural outdoor areas.
The cast and crew of the Three Musketeers production are in the final phases of preparation for their performance at The Events Centre, Caloundra, on 25th-26th May. It promises to be a thoroughly entertaining performance suitable for all ages. Tickets have gone on sale this week and our community is encouraged to invite friends and family to enjoy this piece of theatre.
We wish our Cross Country team all the best as they compete in the 9-19 Years District event next Wednesday 9th May. Our Monday night netballers are also coming to the close of their season and we wish the girls all the best as they endeavour to consolidate and achieve places in the finals.
It has been a busy fortnight for our community and I thank you all for your support and commitment. I trust that you can make the most of the upcoming long weekend to connect and rejuvenate.
May God grant us the capacity to live with humility, free to live fully through His grace.
Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal
The winter uniform will commence on Tuesday 8th May. As a reminder, the winter uniform consists of:
Senior College
Males – Long pants with navy short socks, College shirt, tie, blazer and hat.
Females – Summer uniform with College blazer and hat. Navy or skin coloured stockings may be worn. Stockings are not to be worn with the sports uniform.
Middle College
Males – Summer uniform with College tie and hat.
Females – No change to summer uniform.
The full winter uniform including blazers and formal hat is to be worn to and from school every day other than SCISSA sport days.
The following are provided as general reminders to assist families in supporting their young people to maintain a high standard of presentation:
The formal jumper may only be worn with the day uniform (not worn with the sports uniform, nor the sports jacket worn with the day uniform).
Female students may wear stockings at any time of the year with their formal uniform. When wearing stockings no socks are to be worn.
Female dresses should always be approximately knee length. Families are asked to maintain a check on this as girls grow rather than waiting for reminders to be sent from the College.
All uniform items are available from the College’s Uniform Shop or online at:
From the College Pastor
Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real.
Thomas Merton
This term in the devotional threads of our college there is great alignment between our values as a Lutheran School, the character strengths from the positive psychology and Christian virtues derived from the Bible and Jesus himself. Over this week and next we are exploring humility.
Who are those people in your life who you view as being humble? Has their humility had an effect on you and influenced you? Who are the people on the screens you watch who model humility for you, your children and family?
This last question makes me think, are there many role models of humility on the reality shows we watch on television? Do we see many people of true humility on MasterChef, House Rules, the Voice or the Bachelorette? What about in the professional world of sport? Are there many sportsmen or women who display humility in tennis, football, cricket, the Commonwealth or Olympic games? Encountering a genuinely humble person in life can be a rare thing. But when we do encounter humility it can be a profound gift that grows us spiritually as we relate to others in different ways.
Why do we not see more humble people portrayed in popular culture and public life? Because deep down all of us have a propensity to be proud and put ourselves first. Pride is a universal human tendency that all of us struggle with in some way or other. Pride, just like some of the characters on popular reality television shows, makes us artificial. That’s how the contemplative Catholic monk Thomas Merton put it; pride makes us artificial but humility makes us real. There is an inclination in each of us to relate to others and the world from a sense of pride and hubris. When we do this we often experience alienation and disconnection in our relationships. We are presenting to other people someone we are not. But the great thing about humility is that it makes us real, authentic and human. When we show humility to others we are letting our guard down, being vulnerable, and grounded. That’s what the word humility literally means being “grounded” to the earth, to the soil. When we are acting out of humility we are presenting ourselves as the way God intends us to be. Grounded in him, in each other and in his creation. In the life of Jesus we see what true humility looks like, we see someone grounded to others, to the earth and its needs, and to God. In the end humility looks a lot like Jesus and what he did when he walked the earth. May we also be grounded and made real through the gift of humility.
A prayer for the gift of humility…
God, you show us yourself in moments where we encounter humility. Help me to put the needs of others before my own needs today in some small way. Help me to see that I am not always right, that I do make mistakes and get things wrong. Help me to see that the attention does not always need to be on me. Give me your humility Jesus. Amen.
Pastor Tim Jarick, College Pastor
From the Director of Students
Recently I was reading an interview with Australian writer Tim Winton in Eternity News an on-line Christian magazine. In the Article Winton was discussing how hope should move us to action. Our response to the hope that comes from God’s grace is to put our faith into action and care for others. God is present in our doing.
In the first two weeks of this new term, I have seen so much doing from our students. From the student involvement in Open Day as performers, tour guides, cooks and classroom presenters to the 200 students who walked in the ANZAC Day parade. As a teacher working with young people often you are given a real sense of hope as you witness their idealism and care for others.
As we now move into the Month of May, the College is again asking students to show hope for the less fortunate members of our own community by supporting the Red Shield Appeal. Through the Month we will be asking PCG and primary classes to bring in non-perishable food and personal items. These will be donated to the Caloundra Salvation Army and distributed to local families. We are also asking students to collect for the Red Shield Appeal on Sunday May 27 from 8.30 am to 11.30. We will be meeting at the Middle/Senior office. The Salvation Army has allocated specific areas for Pacific students to collect in. Groups of four students will travel, [with a parent] to each collection site and will collect in pairs. Therefore, we are also in need of adult/parent drivers as the Salvation Army is unable to provide any drivers to assist us. In the past we have had an excellent response from students and parents to support the Christian hope offered by the Salvation Army.
Mr Brendan Delaney, Director or Students
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5
Congratulations to those students from Years 5 and 6 who represented the College at the SCIPHA Chess tournament, held at Suncoast Christian College on Friday 27th April 2018. I am happy to report that the PLC team of Kirra, Austin, Aidan and Dylan placed third out of twelve teams in the novice division. Thank you to Mr Compton for his organisation and supervision on the day.
This year’s National Assessment Program in Literacy and Numeracy for students in years 3,5,7 & 9 will be held on the 15th, 16th and 17th May 2018.
On Thursday 17th May 2018, all students in Year 4 will have the opportunity to undertake a Cycle Skills Program. The program is funded through a Department of Transport Community Road Safety Grant applied for by the Friends of Pacific. The program which will be run by “Bike On” and aims to teach all students a variety of skills so that they ride safely.
Parents are reminded that permission slips allowing students to participate in the program need to be received by class teachers by Friday 11th May 2018, so that numbers of students needing to borrow equipment can be ascertained.
On Wednesday 9th May 2018 the Friends of Pacific will hold a Mother’s Day Stall for all students in Prep to Year 6. A variety of gifts will be available for $5.00. Students in Prep to Year 3 need to bring money in a named envelope.
On Friday 18th May 2018, Sunshine Coast Council is urging students to join thousands of students across Australia and walk, scoot or skate to school for Walk Safely to School Day.
Walk Safely to School Day (WSTSD) is an annual, national event when all Primary School children will be encouraged to walk and commute safely to school. This year all students at PLC are encouraged to participate in this event. The walk is a Community Event seeking to promote Road Safety, Health, Public Transport and the Environment. By walking to school, you’ll get some great exercise and quality time with friends, as well as reducing traffic congestion and pollution around the school.
Students within the Sunshine Coast Council region should register on Council’s website before Friday 18th May 2018 to enter the draw for great prizes, including ten scooters and ten skateboards. Register now at
If possible, parents are invited to join with their children in walking (or riding if you live too far away to walk) all or part of the way from home to school on Friday 18th May 2018.
If you feel you live too far away to walk from home, then meet at Oakdale Park, in Oakdale Circuit, Currimundi and join us for a short 850m walk from there. Staff will be there to meet you at 8.00am, for an 8:05am departure. To ensure the safety of our students, we ask that children are accompanied by a parent / carer where possible.
Mr David Druery, Head of Staff and Students P-5
Important Notices
Transport and Main Roads Road Safety Officers will be conducting pedestrian safety education at the traffic lights on the Woodlands Boulevard and Kawana Way Link Road intersection on Wednesday 9th May from 7.30am to 8.30am. Officers will provide pedestrian safety flyers and will reiterate the importance of making eye contact with drivers before stepping off the curb at the traffic lights.
Prep - Year 12: Tuesday 22nd May
Siblings: Tuesday 22nd May
A reminder that class photos for Prep – Year 12 and sibling photos will be taken on Tuesday 22nd May. Individual order envelopes were handed out last week. If you would like a sibling photo taken, please collect an order envelope from the main office.
Online Orders
Photos can be ordered and paid for online using a secure online platform. Orders placed online DO NOT require an envelope, cash/cheques or paperwork returned to school. To place your order, visit and enter the code B7H 8V9 RRH. This code can also be found printed on your envelope.
To ensure a smoothly run photo day, online orders for Sibling / Family Photos will be cut off at midnight on Monday 21st May to allow a list of students that require Sibling / Family photographs taken to be compiled. Sibling photos can still be ordered after the online cut-off date by collecting an envelope from the office and returning the envelope on photo day with your payment enclosed. All online orders should be placed before our day of photography.
Envelope Orders
Photos can also be purchased in the traditional manner using an envelope, with cash/cheque enclosed.
Food for Thought
No child deserves to be rejected. We can and should encourage children to be kind and tolerant of others, and cruelty is never acceptable. However, some children regularly act in ways that make it hard for other children to accept them. Helping children with off-putting behaviours to recognise and change these (if possible) can make it less likely that they will be rejected.
Mrs Annie Williams, College Counsellor
Friends of Pacific
Our annual Mother’s Day Stall is being held on Wednesday 9th May 2018 with gifts on offer from Kindy to Year 12! Prep to Year 5 students will visit the stall in their class groups prior to morning tea. A flyer with all of the details will be sent home with students this week.
The Mother’s Day Stall will be located in the under-croft behind the Uniform Shop. All gifts are $5.00.
Our Early Learning Centre Reception will also have gifts on display available for purchase for the week of 7-11 May.
Bringing a taste of Hawaii¹s tropical culture to the Sunshine Coast, Pacific Lutheran College’s Aloha OCEANfest 2018 promises something for the whole family! The colourful celebrations will include flavoursome food, the Aloha Bar, fireworks, educational and interactive stands as well as plenty of rides, stalls and live entertainment. Plus - don’t miss the Aloha Raffle, Cent Auction and Big Kahuna Live Auction!
Aloha OCEANfest 2018, in conjunction with festival partner Newwave Orthodontics aims to showcase the College and create an environment for the community to join together for an evening of fun. Funds raised will see an investment in digital and interactive technology to enhance learning areas across our classrooms at PLC.
OCEANfest 2018 is also proud to support the PLC Cambodian Project in their endeavours, working alongside the Lutheran Church of Cambodia’s Rainbow Hostel and Life Centre.
Pacific Together is a discreet helping-hand offered by Friends of Pacific, in conjunction with Pastor Tim, to College families in times of need. Our team of parent volunteers can bake and prepare meals during such times. We warmly encourage families who find themselves in need of such support to contact Pastor Tim who can confidentially coordinate this assistance.
Blessed with beautiful weather to showcase our campus, PLC Open Day 2018 was a wonderful event. It was lovely to see so many current and prospective families enjoying the various presentations, entertainment, tours and information sessions on offer. Special thanks to our BBQ volunteers Allyson Sarvari and Tracey Hindmarsh for their time on Sunday!
Our next Friends of Pacific meeting will be held on Tuesday 22nd May 2018 from 6.30pm in the College Library.
All welcome to attend!
Mrs Jenny Lee, FoP Chairperson
Library News
On Open Day, the library highlighted the many ways we support literacy, research needs and technology in the school. Visitors had the opportunity to play with some of our STEM equipment such as Osmo and Innobits, as well as make a binary code necklace. Thanks to our library monitors Emily McKenzie, Tamsyn Doyle, Daniel Whittingham, Kirrily Petfield and Ella Jarick for their help on the day.
Last week the geek girls undertook a group engineering challenge to design and make a working jump rope using only plastic bags, tape and scissors. The girls had fun coming up with new ideas and then trying out their creations.
This week, the Geek Girls created an Archimedes screw, an invention devised by Ancient Greek scientist and mathematician, Archimedes, over 2000 years ago, which is still in use today. Through trial and error, the girls successfully managed to use the screw to transport water uphill.
Morris Gleitzman, best-selling and award-winning author of books such as the Once series, has been appointed as Australia’s latest Children’s Laureate. The role of the laureate is to champion and promote literacy, the love of reading, the role of books in a child’s life and the work of Australian authors. You can read more about the role of the laureate here where you can also sign up for a newsletter with monthly resources to promote reading. In an article about his role as laureate, Morris wrote the following about the importance of stories:
“When we plunge into a story, not only do we have spills and thrills, horror and hilarity, ideas and insights, all from the comfort of our own reading pillow. We also get to see what individuals like us are capable of. And it doesn’t stop there. The more we read, the more we develop our creativity, empathy, bravery, honesty, curiosity, resilience, cheekiness, emotional intelligence, manipulation-spotting ability and problem-solving skills almost without realizing it. And when we finish our reading and turn back to the real world and notice the size of some of the problems there, we flinch but in a resolute sort of way because we know we have stories on our side.”
Miss Nell Keen, Teacher Librarian
Cultural News
The cast and crew have been working tirelessly in rehearsal over the last two months, honing their acting skills, fencing skills and perfecting the many comic moments in this very funny new take on the original story.
Tickets go on sale Monday 30th April and are available either by contacting The Events Centre (54914240) or online
Don't miss out, bring the whole family!
Mrs Janine Delaney and Miss Alisha Janssen
From the Head of Career Development
Over the Easter school holidays, Emma Camiller immersed herself in biomedical research by attending a 5-day intensive Sparq-ed workshop at the Diamantina Institute in Woolloongabba located near the Princess Alexandra Hospital and the UQ School of Pharmacy. The program is run through a partnership between UQ and the Queensland Government to promote excellence and innovation in biological and biomedical education by delivering specialised programs to school students. The students work alongside current PHD researchers and educators.
During her five days, Emma read academic papers, accessed the medical library, learnt about scientific research and report writing and spent time both in the lab and at the institute where she participated in the research of HeLa cells and retro transposition events. The week concluded with students presenting their findings at a symposium.
Emma took up this opportunity to gain an insight into Biomedical research and to assist in her decision making towards tertiary study in this field on the completion of Year 12. Emma has always had a strong interest in medical research and this was only reinforced through her involvement in the program. Emma is currently completing an optional 2000 word scientific research report based on her lab experiences and academic readings.
When asked if Emma would recommend this immersion to other students considering advanced research or biomedical science, Emma said
“This immersion program was an exciting look into the field of medicine and it allowed me to understand the biology of cells and to know whether I was going to choose this industry as my career. After conducting this immersion program I am now certain on medical research. Therefore if you are interested in medical science, I would strongly recommend this program”.
If you are interested in finding out more about Sparq-ed programs, including one and two day immersions, see their website for further details and speak to Mrs Purcell Careers Counsellor about the application process.
Mrs Natasha Purcell, Careers Counsellor
Secondary Sport
Our SCISSA Volleyball and Rugby 7s competition kicked off on Wednesday with some great enthusiasm from the players and coaching staff. It was a fantastic start to our Rugby 7s competition with the boys and girls thoroughly enjoying their games. They scored 11 tries between them with some outstanding performances by Sam Larsen and Georgia Harle. Great work guys!
Team |
Opposition |
Winner |
Score |
Open Girls A |
Mrs Marg Gunn |
0-2 2-0 |
Olivia Papallo Isla Gear |
Open Girls B |
Mrs Gary Graves |
2-0 |
Anna Kraschnefski |
Open Boys A |
#Mrs Deb Turner |
0-2 |
Liam Munro |
Open B Division |
Mr Ben Dutton |
Forfeit |
- |
U17 Girls |
Mr Hooper |
Draw SAAC |
6-6 7-1 |
Georgia Harle Brooke Graver |
U15 Boys |
Mr Cummins |
4-3 6-1 |
Niels Whiteley Sam Larsen |
U13 Boys |
Mr Crompton |
St Teresa |
St Teresa |
22-14 |
Harrison Angel |
Caloundra Basketball offers a range of programs for children of all ages and abilities; visit the links below for more information:
Mr Brett Kersnovske, Head of Sport
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop is open from 8.00am to 9.30am every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Orders can be placed online via and will be delivered to your child the following day.
Mrs Peta King, Uniform Shop Convenor
St Mark’s Lutheran Church
Thank you to the college families who came to the Pet Bless service organised by St Marks Church on Sunday. It was held in the gym with numerous dogs and guinea pigs in attendance. The animals coped with the music and each other and the humans in attendance loved the presence of the animals in worship. If you couldn’t get to the service please keep it in mind for next year, term two as it is an annual event for St Marks.
Pastor Ray Morris, St Mark’s Lutheran Church Caloundra
Calling all parents, grandparents and friends of the Pacific community! We would love to see some new faces at the Tuckshop this term! Your time and effort will be most appreciated by staff and students. If you are unsure about what is involved, please feel free to pop in, meet our Tuckshop Convenor and have a look around. There are jobs to suit everyone and it’s a great way to meet new people and lend a helping hand. Click here to download the Volunteer Form.
Ms Carrie Dickson, Tuckshop Convenor
General Notices
Mountain Bikers - Solo or in a team. Social or a race. Ride the forest and search for targets.
BIKE EVENT: May 19 and/or 20 - Narangba and/or Beerburrum Forest.
Enter by May 6
More info: Ph Deb 0439 979 260 -
Group Fitness Sessions
Group fitness sessions in the newly refurbished PLC Gym (next to the uniform shop) are being run at the following session times with Personal Trainer (Mason).