One of the symbolic acts on Ash Wednesday is to receive the mark of the cross on our foreheads in the form of ashes. As part of the beginning of the lead up to Easter, this simple act reminds us of our common humanity and the need for forgiveness. We are not just receiving a mark of ashes to remind us of our mortality. Its shape in the form of the cross reminds each one of us of God’s grace that is freely given. As we receive and see the cross on the forehead of another we are recognising our common humanity. In this season of Lent we are called to restore and refresh our relationships with each other and with God.
Compass No 484 - February 2018
From the Principal
Construction of our new administration building and junior learning space is due to commence on Monday next week. Fencing will be erected around the site this weekend and will be extended to include the grassed area in front of the library. This will mean that the main pathway from the P-2 Car Park will be closed off at the end of the Year 1 building, so students, parents and visitors to the College will need to use alternative pathways for the duration of the construction. Members of the community should expect that there will be regular changes to car and foot traffic through the construction phase and take extra care when moving in and around car parks and construction spaces. Communication about expected changes will occur via the newsletter. We thank you in advance for your patience during this time.
Safer Internet Day was celebrated last week and it’s a timely reminder for students, parents and staff to reflect on their use of online communication. Pacific has social media policies in place that are based on the College’s core values of care, dignity and respect. Students and staff receive ongoing education in this area so that they can be highly effective as networkers and learners in the online space. There are also important considerations for parents contained within the Social Media Policy, which is included in the Parent Handbook and can also be accessed by clicking here. All parents are asked to familiarise themselves with this policy to ensure that they are acting legally and in a way that builds people and community.
Another important policy to maintain safety in our community is our Child Protection Policy, which is also in the Parent Handbook and is reprinted in this newsletter. The maintenance of young people’s safety is a priority of our community and we would encourage all families to re-familiarise yourselves with this material. Teachers have recently completed their annual in-service in this area.
There was tremendous energy and spirit at last week’s Year 7-12 Swim Carnival with hearty singing and enthusiastic cheering reverberating around the pool. It was pleasing to see students of all capabilities doing their best in the pool and being encouraged by those on the sidelines. Students are to be congratulated on their participation and spirit. Well done to Mumba House who won the overall carnival and to Wira House who won the House Spirit Award. We also congratulate the students who then went on to represent the College at the 9-12 years and 13-19 years District Swim Carnivals. All students who attended represented themselves and the College well. We thank all of our staff who have supported these events and particularly Mrs Natalie Campbell, Mr Darren Hooper and Mr Brett Kersnovske for their leadership and organisation.
Thank you to our Year 12 students and their families for their attendance at the information evening this week. We look forward to a strong year of growth as they complete their final year at the College. We thank Ms Sue Arahill and Mrs Natasha Purcell for their leadership of this evening.
May God grant us the graciousness to strengthen relationships through this Lenten period.
Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal
Child Protection Policy
Pacific recognises that protecting students from harm and the risk of harm is fundamental to maximising their personal and academic potential. For this reason, the welfare and best interests of the children within our College will always be a primary consideration.
We expect our students to show respect to our staff and volunteers and to comply with safe practices. We expect all employees to ensure that their behaviour and relationships with students reflects proper professional standards of care and are not unlawful. The College will respond diligently to a report of suspected or actual harm, or risk of harm to a student resulting from either within the College or from outside of the College.
What does the College mean by harm?
Recent Queensland legislation defines harm as:
Any detrimental effect of a significant nature on the child’s physical, psychological or emotional wellbeing. It is immaterial how the harm is caused. Harm can be caused by:
- Physical, psychological or emotional abuse or neglect;
- Sexual abuse or exploitation; or
- Domestic or family violence.
How does the College protect students from harm?
The College has a comprehensive Child Protection and Anti Sexual Abuse Policy, which outlines the actions to be taken if a member of staff or a parent of the College becomes aware or reasonably suspects that harm has been done to a student by other staff, people outside the College or by other students.
What should you do if you become aware or reasonably suspect that harm has been caused to a student of the College by a member of staff, someone outside of the College or by other students?
You should report your concerns to:
- Principal
- Director of Students
- Director of Staff
- Classroom teacher
- Other staff member
What will happen next?
If you report your concerns to a member of staff other than the Principal, the member of staff will report it to the Principal immediately. If the subject of the complaint is the Principal then the member of staff will report to the Chairperson of the College Council.
Every student has the right to feel safe and free from harm while at Pacific Lutheran College. We expect students to respect their teachers and other students and we expect that they will receive the same respect in return. Students should never allow themselves to feel unsafe without reporting it to someone they trust.
Who should a student tell if they do not feeling safe at school or at home?
Any member of staff, including the Pastor. If a student does not feel comfortable talking to a member of staff, they may like to write him or her a letter. If a student would prefer to talk to somebody outside of the College on a confidential basis, they can also call Kids Help Line which is a free call – 1800 551 800.
What will happen if a student reports what is happening to a member of staff?
If the concern is worrying the student but not causing them immediate harm, then the member of staff will discuss ways to solve their problem. If the concern is serious and the member of staff believes that the student is being harmed or is in danger of being harmed, he or she will report it to the Principal.
What if the student does not want the member of staff to tell the Principal?
The member of staff will aim to keep the student’s concerns confidential as much as possible. However, if the member of staff is aware or reasonably suspects that harm has been caused to a student of the College, the law states that the matter must be reported to the Principal and it may have to be reported to the Police. If the staff member has no choice about reporting what the student has told them, he or she will explain exactly what will happen next.
The most important thing is that the student feels safe and free from harm. Students must tell someone if they are being harmed or afraid that they will be harmed.
Pacific has a legal and moral responsibility to ensure that students, staff and members of the College community are not subjected to behaviours, practices or processes that may constitute harassment, discrimination, vilification, or victimisation and is therefore committed to developing an environment which promotes respect for a person’s integrity, equitable treatment and natural justice.
Taking and publishing photos, and recordings of school-based activities
Recording of school-based activities should only be for personal use and should not be published in a public manner without the permission of the College. This would include social networking sites such as Facebook or You Tube. Publishing images without permission of those in the image contravenes the College’s privacy policy. Copyright permissions are also infringed upon if music from public performances is broadcasted or duplicated.
From the College Pastor
The words “remember you are dust and to dust you will return”, are heard in many churches and schools at this time of the year in the lead up to Easter. As Easter eggs and hot cross buns are bought from supermarkets, Christians hear on Ash Wednesday that they are mortal fallible creatures who will one day die. We are reminded of these stark challenging words that are often spoken at funerals.
But why would we want to be reminded of death and the shortness of life? Isn’t there enough pain, suffering, death and tragedy around the world on our screens and in our own lives? Why would we want to remind people they are going to die? Yes death is certainly around us everywhere in the world but we also live in a culture where death, pain and suffering is often avoided and denied. Being reminded of our mortality is being honest about life. It is confronting the truth. Dying and suffering from pain and tragedy in life can be horrible places to be. But acknowledging the precariousness of life is not such a bad thing, as by doing this we begin to hand control over to and give space for God to work in our lives.
As people hear the words “remember you are dust…” they also feel the ashes being applied to their foreheads in the shape of a cross. Despite the death around us, God works through the cross to bring new life, healing and hope. So we can say with the writer of Romans 14:8, “whether we live or whether we die we are with the Lord”. That is the promise we are given. That is the faith we can hold onto.
A prayer for Ash Wednesday:
Loving heavenly Father, you look in mercy on our weakness and you forgive all who repent.
Show us our sins, make us sorry for them, and create in us new and clean hearts. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Pastor Tim Jarick, College Pastor
From the Head of Senior Students
Last Tuesday 6th February was ‘Safer Internet Day’. Digital reputation and use of technology continues to be a focus at the College and is reflected at assemblies and in Personal Development lessons. In working with students in this area, it is about individual choices and the way in which technology is used. If used appropriately, online communications and interactions can shape a positive culture and enhance learning and social connections. In accessing the World Wide Web, we sometimes need reminders that this is a public space and having clear expectations about appropriate interactions and choices is important.
‘Care, Dignity and Respect’ is a key theme at the College, which is central in building relationships and growing others and self. Therefore, whether a young person is using a pen and paper as a tool for communication or an electronic device, they should be thinking before posting or writing and when at school, using the device for educational purposes. The things to be mindful about in relation to electronic communication include; instantaneousness, public nature, highly accessible, global scope and reach and also the permanency of such communication.
Later this term, Year 10 students in Personal Development will watch the film ‘Tagged’, a video created as part of the Australian Government's ‘Cybersmart’ initiative, which is managed by the Office of the eSafety Commissioner. Senior College students watched this film last year at an assembly. The footage specifically focuses on a case study where individual students choose to use digital media inappropriately. This causes a ripple of ramifications for a number of stakeholders (peers, parents, the school, the community, the police and the individual) over the duration of a week.
‘Tagged’ encourages young people to reflect on the real life consequences caused by poor choices in using technology including cyber-safety, sexting and reflecting on their digital footprint. The themes of personal and peer safety and responsibility are crucial to maintaining positive online behaviour and a digital footprint into adulthood.
Office of the eSafety Commissioner has a variety of resources to assist parents in understanding how young people use the internet, the risks they face and strategies to manage risks. For further information, visit: A free community eSafety forum with Australia's eSafety Commissioner, Julie Inman Grant, is also being held in Kawana on Monday 19th February. For further information about this event and to register, visit:
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5
Thank you to those parents who have already nominated as Class Parent Representatives. A letter seeking nominations for these important positions was sent home this week. If you would like to be a Class Parent Representative for your child’s class, please either advise your child’s teacher, Mrs Sue Kleinschmidt in the Junior College Office or Mr David Druery directly.
Chess Mates is returning to Pacific Lutheran College this year! Chess Mates specialises in teaching children of all age groups and skill levels in a fun and engaging way. Younger students learn through songs and stories, while older or more advanced students are taught openings, strategies and forward planning. The focus is on making new friends and having fun while learning.
Classes will be held from 3.10pm – 3.55pm on Tuesday afternoons, commencing on Tuesday 27th February. The cost is $10 per lesson.
A Chess Mates registration form and a Pacific parent consent / medical form have been emailed to all parents. If you have any questions about the classes, please email or call Ash on 0415 256 452. Completed forms can be returned to Mrs Sue Kleinschmidt in the Junior College Office.
Mr David Druery, Head of Staff and Students P-5
Food for Thought
Digital technology is now an integral part of our lives. As parents it is best to look at our own digital habits to make sure we are providing our children with what they need. This is, the provision of balanced role models who know when to use and when not to use technology. Our children are more likely to walk our walk than follow our talk. To learn more, please click here.
Mrs Annie Williams, College Counsellor
Friends of Pacific
Coles Sports for Schools
Pacific Lutheran College is participating in the Coles Sports for Schools promotion. Simply collect the vouchers and follow the steps at: Our College will gain valuable sports equipment with every voucher collected.
Aloha OCEANfest 2018
Proudly supported by Newwave Orthodontics – Friday 17th August
We’ve had a good response from interested parents who are keen to help out in the lead up to OCEANfest! If you are new to the College and would like to meet other parents, this is a great opportunity. Please contact us at for further information.
First Meeting 2018
We invite all parents, friends and staff to join us for our first FoP meeting for 2018 on Tuesday 20th February at 6.30pm in the College library. No need to RSVP – just come along!
Mrs Jenny Lee, FoP Chairperson
Library News
The 14th February, as well as being Valentine's Day is also Library Lovers' Day. This is a day to celebrate libraries and what they stand for – free and open access to knowledge, to culture, to ideas, to community, to literature, to imagination and so much more.
This week, students were invited to consider what they love about their library and to make origami hearts at lunchtime.
Ms Nell Keen, Head of Library
Junior College
Last Friday, Class 5P had the great pleasure of visiting residents at IRT Woodlands Retirement Village, as a part of the Music for Life Program.
Students came prepared with their introduction letters and natural curiosity about the afternoon. They were immediately impressed by the gorgeous surroundings and were warmly greeted by IRT staff, residents and their music maestro, Sharon.
Under the direction of Sharon, students and residents sang a range of songs from the Sound of Music to Oklahoma. As we left, one student commented that it was, “the best afternoon, EVER!”
5P will continue to meet with their new friends every Friday, with the experience culminating in a concert at the end of Term 1. 5C will attend in Term 2, followed by 5S in Term 3. We feel very blessed to be able to connect with these community members in such a fun and engaging manner.
Mrs Lu Pollard, Year 5 Teacher
The Take Action program is for children aged 8-12 who are experiencing anxiety. It’s based on a decade of quality research and is designed to equip children with useful coping skills to manage their anxiety and build resilience. The program consists of seven sessions and is based on a 6-step action plan. For more information, please click here.
Mrs Jo Belchamber, Head of Learning Enrichment
From the Head of Career Development
UQ (and some other universities) have introduced a new non-academic, 90-minute 'Situational Judgement Test'. For this test, students will respond to questions based on video scenarios to assess their capacity for critical thinking, empathy, communication skills and resilience. This test needs to be completed between July and September 2018 to apply to study Vet Science in 2019. There is an $80 cost to sit the test online. For further information please contact Mrs Natasha Purcell or visit:
At the recent information evenings, students have been encouraged to explore their career and future study pathways in more detail and to engage in some work experience throughout the year. The following websites can assist with further exploration. If you have missed an information evening and have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Mrs Natasha Purcell directly.
- Pacific Lutheran College Careers: Offers a broad range of information on the senior phase, post-school options, events calendar, apprenticeships and more. Students have access to a secure student area to build resumes or career action plans.
- Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching: Compare courses across universities using various criteria such as graduate outcomes, student engagement and quality teaching.
- Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC): Allows for course searches, provides key dates for University open days and career expos, application information and much more.
- TAFE Myprofiler: Provides a short career quiz to help you match career interests with TAFE course offerings.
- Australian Apprenticeships: Offers information on skills shortages, school-based apprenticeships, steps to becoming an apprentice and answers frequently asked questions.
Mrs Natasha Purcell, Careers Counsellor
Secondary Sport
Well done to all students who participated in the Years 7-12 Swim Carnival last Thursday. The atmosphere was fantastic and the participation and enthusiasm was exceptional. Wira House took the lead early in the day but were eventually overtaken by Mumba House who dominated the relays at the end of the day. Congratulations to Mumba House on their win, Wira House on the House Spirit Award and students John Redd and Chloe Johnston who took out the King and Queen of the Pool awards! Thank you to the many staff, parents and past students who assisted on the day and in particular to Mrs Natalie Campbell for her hard work in organising and coordinating the carnival.
Well done to our Open Boys SCISSA soccer team who had a convincing win against St Andrew’s Anglican College this week. The final score was 4-1 and Reece Upton was named MVP.
The SCISSA volleyball results were as follows:
OPP. |
Yr 7/8 Boys |
0-2 |
Aden Gear |
Yr 7/8 Girls |
1-2 |
Chantelle Page |
Yr 9/10 Boys B |
0-2 |
Liam Daley |
Yr 9/10 Girls Blue |
0-2 |
Courtney Page |
Yr 9/10 Boys A |
2-0 |
Jae Flynn |
Yr 9/10 Girls Green |
2-0 |
Rebecca Lewis |
Yr 9/10 Girls White |
0-2 |
Lily Croke |
Mr Brett Kersnovske, Head of Sport
Club Sport
Team Vacancies
After a busy few weeks of sign-on and more than 150 player registrations, we are now starting to put teams together. At this stage, we have vacancies in the following age divisions. Please encourage your children to join – we cater for all player levels. Contact Lisa on 0421 352 030 or email as soon as possible.
- 3 x U7 (Year 1) born 2011 and/or 2012
- 1 x U8 (Year 2) born 2010 and/or 2011
- 4 x U9 (Year 3) born 2009 and/or 2010
- 3 x U9 (Year 4) born 2008 (girls) and/or 2009
- 5 x U11 (Year 5) born 2007 and/or 2008
- 8 x U12 (Year 6) born 2006 and/or 2007
- 6 x U15/16 (Year 9) born 2002-2004 or girls born 2001
Coaches and Managers are also needed for some teams so please let us know if you can help out. Final teams will be announced in the coming week, so please download the Pacific FC App to access this information:
The season starts Saturday 10th March!
Working Bee and Welcome BBQ
Our Working Bee is on this Saturday 17th February from 8.00am – 11.00am. Please let us know if you can help out, or just come along as we need all the help we can get! Phone Matt on 0409 012918 or email
The Welcome BBQ, followed by a friendly soccer game, will held from 11.00am – 12.00. This is a good opportunity to pick up your gear and make any registration payments at the canteen.
Roar Game
Book your tickets to the Roar Game at Suncorp Stadium on Saturday 3rd March at:
- Want to be a mascot? Eleven Pacific FC children aged 6-10 will be given the opportunity to be mascots for the game!
- Want to play at half time? Ten Pacific FC children aged 5- 7 will be given the opportunity to play a game at half-time!
Mr Matt Gigney, Pacific FC President
Stay up to date via our Facebook page: and our website:!
This Saturday is our grading day, the first training sessions for your junior teams and a club movie night under the stars. The general program for the day is as follows:
- 4.00pm – team and squad training;
- 5.30pm – issue of hire dresses;
- 6.00pm – announcement of teams and key appointments for 2018; and
- 6.30pm – movie screening of ‘A Night at the Museum’. The club will be running a BBQ and there will be ice creams and popcorn for sale as well. Attendees are also welcome to bring a picnic basket and blanket.
This evening provides a great opportunity for us to gather as a club, meet parents from other teams and also the committee. I encourage everyone to attend and ‘meet the team’.
A detailed training plan will be sent to all club members over the coming days.
Mr Trevor Colton, PLC Netball Club President
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop is open from 8.00am to 9.30am every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Orders can be placed online via and will be delivered to your child the following day.
Mrs Peta King, Uniform Shop Convenor
General Notices
Pacific provides opportunities for children and parents to operate savings accounts with the Lutheran Laypeople’s League (LLL). The LLL is a non-profit financial institution established in 1921. All LLL Deposit Accounts are ‘at call’ accounts and there are no LLL fees or charges. All LLL deposit accounts have an attractive rate of interest with no ‘Bonus’ rate hurdles to jump.
The LLL pays a $5 gift to the first savings account opened for the child.
Deposits can be made through the College’s Business Office each Tuesday before school. To find out more, visit the Business Office.
Upcoming Dates
19 | Years 4-6 SCISSA Training (3.15pm-4.15pm) |
20 | Year 10 Information Evening (6.00pm) |
Friends of Pacific (6.30pm) | |
23 | Primary Lutheran Swim Carnival |
25 | St Mark's @ Pacific Grow and Share - ELC Blessing (9.30am) |
26 | Years 4-6 SCISSA Training (3.15pm-4.15pm) |
28 | 10-19yrs Regional Swim Carnival |
2 | Clean Up Australia Day |
5 | Years 4-6 SCISSA Training (3.15pm-4.15pm) |
9 | International Women's Day Breakfast (7.00am-8.00am) |
12 | Years 4-6 SCISSA Training (3.15pm-4.15pm) |
15 | Years 4-6 SCISSA Gala Day 1 |
16 | Pacific As A Peace Place Day |