Compass No 481 - January 2018

From the Principal

Calm, Positive, Purposefulness

Possessing calm, positive, purposefulness not only enables us to flourish but it also helps others to do the same. Slowing our thinking down and shifting our self-talk to being thoughtful rather than emotionally reactive, can help us to see things from other perspectives. Being calm and thoughtful opens the door to different types of thinking where solutions can be found. Calming our minds to focus on finding solutions is an important life skill. When confronted with challenges or disappointments we open ourselves to finding ways forward if we think, “I haven’t achieved or understood this yet”. We can be calm in all circumstances knowing that God walks with us.

Disciplining ourselves to always communicate positively creates a safe and rich environment for people to grow and learn. It is a simple but difficult way in which we can change our world. By always being positive in our communication we are forced to identify strengths and then build on them. This positivity is contagious and becomes the story in which we are immersed. Part of learning well with others involves our capacity to identify and highlight strengths.

Within this community and indeed into the broader community, each of us as parents, staff and students have two purposes. The first is to be kind to others and the second is make the best use of our time and talents to grow our capacity to help others. Each of us has an important role to play. We have a life of significant purpose to live. God has blessed each one us to be and have all that is needed to make a difference. We are enough and have enough. 

Trusting in God to guide and strengthen us, to have the courage and commitment to live this mantra of ‘Calm, Positive, Purposefulness’, we have tremendous individual and community capacity to move beyond ourselves. We are empowered to do great good for each other and the wider community as we grow and learn.  

Principal's Log

Welcome to the start of the 2018 school year. It has been a very positive start to the year with staff and students quickly settling into the rhythm of learning. There has been a very good vibe around the College as staff and students have begun the process of learning together. 

Our commencement services explored our theme of ‘Flourishing Through A Culture of Thinking’. The installation of new staff and student leaders was an important part of the Middle and Senior College service. A further highlight of the Year 6-12 service was Mikaela Swan’s drumming performance to “Who Are You” by the Who. The Year 5 students leading their Prep buddies into this morning’s service was also a special moment.


Through these services, one of our intentions is to provide families with an overview and conversations points that reinforce the learning that is occurring here at the College. There will be some unpacking of these over the first term but for those who wish to read a copy of my speech and the College Council Chair’s speech, please click on the following links: Principal’s Address and College Council Chair. Research shows that students achieve more where families are engaged with and reinforce the learning philosophies and approaches of their school. We thank the community for their support of these events and all of the staff who were involved in the planning, organisation and staging of these important services.

We also enjoyed our Welcome Breakfast, which provided us with the opportunity to begin to strengthen relationships within the community. We thank families and students for their attendance. A very large thank you is also extended to our Hospitality staff and students who created a quality breakfast that they, along with the College Captains, professionally served to us.


We look forward to the year unfolding and pray that God would equip each of us to live with calm, positive purposefulness.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal

From the College Pastor

Personal Power

In the first week of school there is a lot going on – opening services, new learning spaces, teachers, timetables and subjects. This year we begin with the thread of ‘Personal Power’. At the centre of this thread is a verse from Philippians 4:13; I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. At the beginning of a new school year, do you find some relief, hope and comfort in these words? Please read them again. I can do ALL things through HIM who STRENGTHENS me.

When we start a school year and the work, assessments, schedules in front of us seem like a mountain too high to climb, things can seem very daunting. Students, teachers, parents, employees and employers can all feel this. Life throws many challenges at us, none more so then when you are new to a school, workplace or community or when a whole new year of work lies ahead of you. Having a sense of perspective is invaluable. This thread of ‘personal power’ is about children and young people feeling a sense of control and learning to manage frustrations and challenges in ways that have positive results for them and others. We can’t always control the situations we are confronted with or what other people say and do but we can control how we react to those situations as well as our responses and actions towards other people. 

Trusting our own abilities at these times is the crux of personal power. Growing in confidence to respond to the difficulties we face is needed. Having a wider perspective and a sense of self-regulation is important. Knowing that we do this together in community with the one who companions us gives us hope and courage. No matter what we face at school, at home or in life, we trust in the mercy and kindness of God who loves us. We can do all things through Him who strengths me, even in this first week of a new school year.

Pastor Tim Jarick, College Pastor

From the Director of Students


A warm welcome back to new and returning students in 2018. At this week’s Middle/Senior College assembly, I spoke to students about ‘duty’. The term duty has become a little old fashioned these days. In our modern society, we seem to prefer mantras such as ‘follow your passion’, ‘do what you love’ and ‘follow your dreams’. However, these types of sayings can sometimes lead people to think, ‘I’ll just do what I want in life and not care about everyone else’.

One major distinction is that passion is often self-serving, while duty is other-serving; whether it’s serving a person, a community, an ideal or God. Rather than asking ‘what is my passion?’ a better question is ‘what is my duty?’. Duties may not seem as glamorous as ‘following your dreams’ but there is also great satisfaction in being a dutiful person and taking responsibility for the bigger things in life, even if it isn’t necessarily a source of immediate pleasure.

I reminded students that it is their duty to work hard here as a student at Pacific and take advantage of the wonderful learning that the College offers. By working hard, students are honouring their parents and carers who make sacrifices to send them here. When students leave Pacific, they also have a duty to act as an agent of change to make the world a better place for all, not just for themselves.

Mr Brendan Delaney, Director of Students

From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Welcome Back

Welcome to the start of a new school year. It has been wonderful to witness the excitement and enthusiasm of students as the year gets underway. They have returned to the College invigorated after the holidays and, along with staff, are looking forward to an exciting year of learning and growth together. 

P-5 Information Evening

Next Wednesday 31st Janurary, the Prep – Year 5 Parent Information Evening will be held. The night will commence at 6.00pm in room L14 at the College. Following a number of short introductory talks, parents will move to their child’s learning spaces where teachers will outline their programs for the year as well as their expectations regarding homework, behaviour and assessment. As the learning journey at Pacific is shared between staff, students and families, we encourage parents to attend the evening. 

General Housekeeping

Communication With Staff

Often, parents need to communicate information to teachers regarding changes to their child’s routine or exemption from participation in sport, specialist lessons or activities due to injury or illness. Each morning, parents verbally advise teachers of such changes.

To avoid confusion and to ensure students are where they are meant to be, particularly at the end of the day, we ask all parents to put these changes in writing. All teachers can be contacted by email and Prep – Year 2 teachers can also be contacted through their classroom communication books. A short note can also be sent with students to advise their teachers of any changes.

Use of Playgrounds After School

As the College continues to grow, the availability of play equipment has also increased. The Year 1 play area is a great resource used by students during school break times. After school, once children are released into their parent’s care, we ask parents to be vigilant in monitoring their children’s behaviour whilst on the College grounds.

The Year 1 playground in particular is licensed to After School Hours Care (ASHC) from 3.00pm and is only available to students who are attending ASHC. This week, a child was injured and there have been occasions when children enrolled at the College and their siblings have been observed to be playing on play equipment without supervision.

Whilst under the care of College staff each day, children’s interactions and the nature of their play is closely monitored. Whilst on the College grounds after school, it would be appreciated if parents could continue to reinforce the standards of acceptable and safe play and monitor their children’s use of play equipment.


Students and parents are reminded that the College hat is an important element of the school uniform. A number of students are presenting to school each day without a hat. During break times, students need to wear a hat or they are required to stay out of the sun. Students should also be wearing their hats when travelling to and from the College.


Students in Years 1-5 may only wear their sports uniform to school on the days they have HPE. Years 4 and 5 students may also wear their HPE uniforms to school on Thursdays. Students might also be requested to wear their sports uniform to school for carnivals or excursions. On all other occasions students should attend school in their formal uniform.

If for some reason your child is unable to wear the correct uniform to school, please send a note to your child’s class teacher. A uniform reminder letter will be forwarded to parents whose children are in the wrong uniform and haven’t presented a note to their class teacher.

Mr David Druery, Head of Staff and Students P-5

Food for Thought

Do Family Meals Really Make a Difference?

Research shows many physical, mental and emotional benefits of having regular family meals together. Some of the specific benefits include:

  • Better academic performance;
  • Higher self-esteem;
  • Greater sense of resilience;
  • Lower risk of substance abuse; and
  • Lower risk of depression.

Learn more at:

Mrs Annie Williams, College Counsellor

Important Notices

Public Health Act – Disclosure of Information

Due to an amendment in the Public Health Act 2005, schools are now required to disclose student and parent information to approved health program providers including:

  • Student names and dates of birth;
  • Parent contact details (name, telephone number, email address and postal address); and
  • Information prescribed by regulation (gender and class group).

This year, Ozcare has been elected as our approved provider to conduct the Year 7 and 10 immunisations. For further information about the disclosure of information, visit:

Friends of Pacific

Connecting College and Community

We warmly welcome all families to Pacific Lutheran College this year and thank all families, especially those new to Pacific, who joined us at the Welcome Breakfast this morning. 

It is with great pleasure we announce the Friends of Pacific fundraising efforts from 2017 has allowed the College to invest in two big breeze fans for the gym. The installation of the fans next week will benefit the entire Pacific community and provide some welcome relief from the warm Queensland climate.

In 2018 FoP will continue working to create and host signature events for the Pacific community while fundraising in the effort to make further contributions.

The Newwave Aloha OCEANfest, to be held on Friday 17th August, aims to bring students, parents and staff together with the local community to celebrate Pacific’s unique culture. Not just an evening out with family and friends, OCEANfest aims to highlight and showcase the spirit of the Pacific community as well as the talent of our students and the incredible parents and grandparents who support each stall.

We are extremely grateful for the support, involvement and connections made by our parent representatives over the years. This year, we will have parent representatives and social coordinators in the Middle/Senior College in addition to those in the Junior College. We welcome the following parents to roles so far:

  • Year 12 – Sarah Minns and Mel Dines
  • Year 10 – Tracey Hindmarsh and Allyson Sarvari
  • Year 9 – Penni Buchanan
  • Year 8 – Anita and Andrew Edmonds
  • Year 7 – Kath Barry and Allison Dean

Should you wish to join the team in your child’s year, please contact the office or email us at:

The next FoP meeting will be held on Tuesday 20th February at 6.30pm in the College library. We encourage all interested parents and staff, new or otherwise, to join us. 

Mrs Jenny Lee, FoP Chairperson

Library News

Week 1 Update

Welcome to all our new and returning families. We have an exciting year planned in the library with an extension being built, visiting authors, competitions, Book Week, the Book Fair and literature festivals. Lunchtime activities will include coding, MakerSpace, Osmo, board games, craft activities, Geek Girls and story time.

Reading is vitally important for a student’s personal and academic growth so we look forward to seeing as many of you in the library as possible, borrowing as many books as possible.

The first Book Club order forms have gone out this week for Prep to Year 7 students. Orders need to be returned by Monday 5th February.

Ms Nell Keen, Head of Library

Secondary College

Afterschool Mathematics Tutoring

To support students academically, the College will continue Mathematics tutorials for students in Years 7-12 who would like extra assistance or clarification of concepts. These tutorials will be held weekly and will commence next week on Monday afternoon in rooms L13/L14 from 3.20pm to 4.20pm. Students are welcome to come along for a quiet place to complete Maths class work, homework or seek assistance. The expectation is that students remain within the room until 4.20pm, unless picked up earlier by a parent.

Mr Adam Doyle, Head of Mathematics

Cultural News

Japanese Teacher Assistants

Are you interested in hosting a Japanese Teacher Assistant (JTA)? Pacific is fortunate to have a JTA in our Japanese classroom to assist with student learning. The JTAs share their diverse cultural knowledge and experiences with us, providing students with great opportunities to use their Japanese and deepen their understandings. 

We are currently seeking host families for potential JTAs who may wish to come to the College throughout 2018. JTAs vary in their length of stay and can be either short term (a few weeks) or long term (a few terms).

Successful host families will be paid $150 a week to cover costs such as food and utilities. If you believe your family could make a JTA feel like a part of our community, please collect an information pack and application form from Mrs Michiko Hauser in the S6 staffroom or from the Middle/Senior College office.

Mrs Michiko Hauser, Head of 6-12 Japanese

From the Head of Career Development

Medicine at USC

Late last year, the University of the Sunshine Coast announced their Bachelor of Medical Science offering at their Sippy Downs campus, which provides provisional direct entry into Griffith University’s Doctor of Medicine at the Sunshine Coast University Hospital. This is exciting news for the Coast as students can now complete their studies and training locally. It is a highly competitive program, capped at 20 places each year. For more information, visit:

Information Evenings

Various information evenings will be held over the coming weeks to provide key details about the senior phase of learning and career development. We encourage parents to attend and to make contact with me directly if they have any pressing questions. I will meet with each Year 12 student individually during Term 1 and each Year 11 student during Term 2. Career Education programs will also provide students with opportunities to explore career and pathway options during Personal Development classes.

Mrs Natasha Purcell, Careers Counsellor 

Junior Sport

Year 3-6 Swim Carnival

Welcome back to all families. As always, swimming is first up on the sporting calendar with students participating in trials this week. Students will now be seeded in either A, B or C divisions for next Thursday’s carnival. The carnival will be held at Kawana Aquatics Centre from 9.30am – 2.30pm. Students will need to be in their coloured house shirts and Pacific swimwear. Please check CareMonkey for further information.


For families who are new to the College, SCISSA is the inter-school sport competition that Pacific participates in. Each term, Years 4-6 students train and play in various sports in preparation for Gala Day competitions held at the end of each term. The sport options for this semester have been announced to students and team trials will commence in Week 3 during Thursday afternoon sport time. Monday afterschool training will then start in Week 4. Afterschool training dates can be found on the College calendar. Please check CareMonkey for further information. 

Armidale Rugby Carnival

The Armidale Rugby Carnival is an anual event that Pacific has attended since 2009. This year the carnival will be held from 13th – 15th April, with students travelling by bus to Armidale and staying in boarding accommodation at the school. The carnival is attended by up to 50 schools and clubs from around Queensland and New South Wales and offers students the opportunity to play four shortened games on Saturday and a final on Sunday.

There was a sign-up meeting this week for all interested students. If your child is turning 11 or 12 this year and did not attend this meeting but is interested in this carnival, please contact Mr Darren Hooper for further information. Team training starts next Monday afternoon from 3.15pm – 4.30pm.

CareMonkey - Years 3-6

Thank you to the many families who have created and/or updated their CareMonkey accounts and student care profiles for the start of 2018.

For new families, if you have not yet seen an email invitation to create your child’s profile, please check your Junk Mail folder. If you cannot find this email request, please contact Mrs Natalie Campbell directly. Emails will come from CareMonkey Administrator and will generally have a subject heading stating “Pacific Lutheran College is requesting….”.

Sharing Your Profile

You can now share your CareMonkey profile with other family members, friends or trusted carers. Sharing can be approved at a number of different access levels. For more information, visit:

Current Notices

  • Years 3-6 Sports Overview and Consent Form. This has a letter to review and online consent for compulsory sports events.
  • Years 3-6 Swimming Carnival and Trials. This is a link to a letter with information regarding these events.

If you have any concerns with this application or your profile set up, please contact Mrs Natalie Campbell at:

Mr Darren Hooper, Head of Junior Sport

Secondary Sport

Year 7-12 Sport

Welcome back to another exciting year of sport at the College. We hit the ground running this term with plenty of action in the pool, on the volleyball court and on the soccer pitch. As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns: or 5436 7361.

  • All students should have chosen their Friday Sport by now. Please get them to login to the ‘7-12 Sport 2018’ Schoology course (CODE: 8R5P5-WQ9N7) if they haven’t already selected their sport.
  • Year 11/12 boys and girls SCISSA soccer starts next Wednesday 31st January. All students interested need to have seen me by now if they wish to play in this competition.
  • Year 7-10 boys and girls SCISSA volleyball starts Wednesday 7th February. All interested students need to have seen me by now if they wish to play in this competition.
  • District trials will begin in Week 3 for the following sports: 12-19yrs boys and girls volleyball, 13-19yrs girls netball, 14-18yrs boys rugby league. Please see me to collect a permission form.
  • Regional trials for 12-18yrs baseball, 13-19yrs boys and girls softball and 13-19yrs boys and girls tennis will follow. Please see me to collect a permission form.
Student Success - Swimming

Well done to senior student Kaylee McKeown who won the 2017 Queensland Sports Star of the Year at the QSports Awards in November last year.

Following the award ceremony and the completion of the school year, Kaylee attended the Queensland Swim Championships and broke two Queensland and Australian records (girls 16yrs 200m and 400m IM). The 200m IM record was previously held by Emily Seebohm for nine years and the 400m IM was also held for nine years by Blaire Evans. Kaylee was also awarded ‘Swimmer of the Night’ for one of her races.

2018 is looking good for Kaylee, who has already been racing in the New South Wales and Victorian state championships, where she beat Emily Seebohm in the 200m backstroke and achieved a time of under one minute in the 100m backstroke.

Next up are the Commonwealth Games trials at the end of February, Age Nationals in April and the Pan Pacific Championships held in Tokyo throughout August and September.

We congratulate Kaylee on all her successes so far and wish her all the best in her swimming endeavours this year. 

Johnny Warren Cup – Futsal

On the first weekend of the school holidays, two teams of students participated in the Johnny Warren Cup, a regional futsal competition. From this competition, our teams were selected to play at the Craig Foster Cup at the Gold Coast last weekend. The boys team finished runners up and a member of the girls team, Abby Shanahan, won MVP of the tournament. Well done to all students who participated in these competitions!


CareMonkey - Years 7-12

Thank you to the majority of families who have created and/or updated their CareMonkey accounts and student care profiles for the start of 2018.

For new families, if you have not yet seen an email invitation to create your child’s profile, please check your Junk Mail folder. If you cannot find this email request, please contact Mrs Natalie Campbell directly. Emails will come from CareMonkey Administrator and will generally have a subject heading stating “Pacific Lutheran College is requesting….”.

Sharing Your Profile

You can now share your CareMonkey profile with other family members, friends or trusted carers. Sharing can be approved at a number of different access levels. For more information, visit:

Current Notices

  • Years 7-12 Sports Overview and Consent Form. This has a letter to review and online consent for compulsory sports events.
  • Years 7-12 Swimming Carnival and Trials. This is a link to a letter with information regarding these events.

If you have any concerns with this application or your profile set up please contact Mrs Natalie Campbell at:

Mr Brett Kersnovske, Head of Sport

Club Sport

Pacific FC - 2018 Season

Welcome to the 2018 season! All the information regarding our Free Come & Try Session and Sign-on dates can be found at:

Mr Matt Gigney, Pacific FC President

Uniform Shop

Opening Hours and Online Ordering

The Uniform Shop is open from 8.00am to 9.30am every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Orders can be placed online via and will be delivered to your child the following day.

Mrs Peta King, Uniform Shop Convenor

St Mark’s Lutheran Church

Weekly Services

Pastor Ray Morris, St Mark’s Lutheran Church Caloundra

General Notices

LLL School Banking

Pacific provides opportunities for children and parents to operate savings accounts with the Lutheran Laypeople’s League (LLL). The LLL is a non-profit financial institution established in 1921. All LLL Deposit Accounts are ‘at call’ accounts and there are no LLL fees or charges.  All LLL deposit accounts have an attractive rate of interest with no ‘Bonus’ rate hurdles to jump.

The LLL pays a $5 gift to the first savings account opened for the child.

Deposits can be made through the College’s Business Office each Tuesday before school. To find out more, visit the Business Office.

Upcoming Dates

26 Australia Day Public Holiday
30 Year 11 Information Evening (6.00pm)
31 Years 11-12 SCISSA Soccer Begins
  Prep - Year 5 Information Evening (6.00pm)
31-2 Year 7 Camp - Somerset
1 Years 3-6 Swim Carnival - Kawana Pool (9.00am-2.30pm)
6 Year 9 Camp Information Evening and Rite Journey Departure (5.00pm)
  Middle College Information Evening (6.00pm)
7 Years 7-10 SCISSA Volleyball Begins
  Music Information Evening (6.00pm)
8 Years 7-12 Swim Carnival - Nambour Pool (8.30am-3.00pm)
9 Years 6-12 Thursday Timetable Periods 6 and 7
12 9-12yrs District Swim Carnival
  Years 4-6 SCISSA Training (3.15pm-4.15pm)
  Years 7-12 Schools Netball Begins
13 Shrove Tuesday
  13-19yrs District Swim Carnival
  Year 12 Information Evening (6.00pm)
14 Ash Wednesday