Possessing calm, positive, purposefulness not only enables us to flourish but it also helps others to do the same. Slowing our thinking down and shifting our self-talk to being thoughtful rather than emotionally reactive, can help us to see things from other perspectives. Being calm and thoughtful opens the door to different types of thinking where solutions can be found. Calming our minds to focus on finding solutions is an important life skill. When confronted with challenges or disappointments we open ourselves to finding ways forward if we think, “I haven’t achieved or understood this yet”. We can be calm in all circumstances knowing that God walks with us.
Disciplining ourselves to always communicate positively creates a safe and rich environment for people to grow and learn. It is a simple but difficult way in which we can change our world. By always being positive in our communication we are forced to identify strengths and then build on them. This positivity is contagious and becomes the story in which we are immersed. Part of learning well with others involves our capacity to identify and highlight strengths.
Within this community and indeed into the broader community, each of us as parents, staff and students have two purposes. The first is to be kind to others and the second is make the best use of our time and talents to grow our capacity to help others. Each of us has an important role to play. We have a life of significant purpose to live. God has blessed each one us to be and have all that is needed to make a difference. We are enough and have enough.
Trusting in God to guide and strengthen us, to have the courage and commitment to live this mantra of ‘Calm, Positive, Purposefulness’, we have tremendous individual and community capacity to move beyond ourselves. We are empowered to do great good for each other and the wider community as we grow and learn.