Last Friday’s opening of the Early Learning Centre, new Science laboratory, Hospitality learning space and Coral Café was an energising celebration. All three spaces were designed to take into account the types of knowledge, skills, personal capabilities and attitudes young people will need to thrive into the future. Flexibility in design aims to foster curiosity, creativity, collaboration, connections and the development of deep understandings as young people from ages 3 to 18 take advantage of being able to move between different styles of learning, including use of outdoor spaces. Stimulating spaces of this type provide the opportunity for young people to go deeper into areas of interest as they follow their curiosity and take greater responsibility for their own learning.

Local members Mr Jarrod Bleijie and Mr Mark McArdle and his wife Judy joined invited guests, staff, students and parents. Having been part of the College’s accreditation process, Mrs Shelley Dole Head of School, School Education, University of the Sunshine Coast, captured the richness of student learning experience of the College as she opened the Early Learning Centre and Science laboratory. Mr Cameron Matthews, Executive Chef of The Spicers Group, spoke about the importance and value of food in our homes as well as in the hospitality industry as he opened our new commercial kitchen. Bishop Paul Smith took delight in dedicating the buildings.
We thank our Music ensembles who performed very well and added significantly to the event. We thank Pastor Tim Jarick for his organisation and Mrs Colleen Beattie and her Hospitality team for providing a wonderful range of food for special guests. Together, our special guests, staff, students and parents made this another very memorable moment in the College’s history.
We look forward to the return of our Year 6 students from Canberra on Friday. By all accounts they are having a very enjoyable and educational time. Since their arrival on Sunday, students and teachers have visited many attractions including Questacon, the National Capital Exhibition, Old Parliament House, Parliament House, the CSIRO Discovery Centre, the National Arbortoreum, Government House, Geoscience Australia, the National Dinosaur Museum and Canberra Zoo. At Government House students and teachers were privileged to meet the Governor-General himself, the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC.
Year 4-7 students are in the final preparations for their performance of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Families are encouraged to invite friends along to the performances on Saturday 28th October at The Events Centre, Caloundra.
Next Friday is another special community day as we look forward to celebrating Grandparents and Special Friends Day at the College and the K-12 Student Art Exhibition on Friday evening.
We say a prayer of thanks for all of the great gifts God gives us each day including the privilege of growing with young people. We pray that God would continue to enable people of all ages to be blessings to each other and to the wider community.
Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal