White Water Canoe Expedition
There is no place like Australia when planning an outdoor expedition. Two weeks before departing on the Senior Canoe Expedition, there was barely 20 centimetres of water flowing over the first of many proposed rapids the group had planned to paddle. Over the next two weeks, the Upper Clarence River was in severe flood – twice!
Three Gold Duke of Edinburgh students, two Silver students and two Bronze students plus a number of other senior students, planned a five day and four night paddle from Clarence River Wilderness Lodge to the township of Tabulam on the Upper Clarence River in northern New South Wales. The expedition was a distance of approximately 127 kilometres. Menus had been planned, land owners contacted for permission to camp on their properties and a long list of other jobs had been completed by the 11 participating students.
Due to localised flooding, the expedition was postponed by a couple of days. On Monday 3rd April, the group drove to our starting point. The water levels in the river were fantastic, with most canoes taking in substantial amounts of water as they negotiated the many rapids each day. With names like Roller Coaster, Mongrel Boulder and Splatt Rock, the group approached the rapids with a little trepidation. The instructors set up safety contingencies for the rapids and talked the group through these. Concentrated looks, furrowed brows and white knuckles were commonplace whilst the instructors gave the group their paddling and stroke instructions. Each canoe would proceed through the rapids one at a time when they heard a shrill whistle blow from the lead instructor Steve Ross (AKA Scuba Steve). As canoes pulled away from the bank, calls of ‘good luck’ and ‘you can do this’ came from their friends. Lots of fun was had along the way as the group paddled through the beautiful environment. Another highlight was Pirate Day, when the entire group dressed as pirates for the day’s paddling.

In all, it was a great week away. The canoeing skills of those who attended developed unbelievably over the five days. Thank you to our instructors Steve Ross (Clarence River Wilderness Lodge) and Ashlie Nobilo (who flew from New Zealand) for their expertise and guidance.
Mt Barney National Park Tramp – June / July Holidays
Plans are underway for the June / July expedition through the very beautiful and remote Mt Barney National Park, southwest of Beaudesert. Participants will assist with all aspects of the expedition including planning and development. It is hoped the group will complete a day walk up Mt Barney East Peak (1365 metres) and then tramp up Barney Creek from Lower Portals car park to Cleared Ridge. This is a very easy tramp and the expedition is open to all Year 10, 11 and 12 students, their parents and staff of reasonable fitness.
Please contact Dr Peter McMahon for further information. A meeting for interested students will occur next week on Wednesday 26th April at 1.00pm in room D8.
New Zealand Expedition – December 2017
The final preparation plans have been put into place and we are now ready to discuss leadership and navigation with the students and parents attending this expedition. The first of these formal get-togethers will occur on Open Day (Sunday 7th May) in Room D9 at 11.00am. The participants will be divided into three smaller groups and will take responsibility for the running of selected days. This will include planning all of the day’s logistics, navigation, rest stops, river crossing points and campsites, drawing on individual’s leadership skills. They will also be responsible for maintaining contact with Boyle River Outdoor Education Centre via New Zealand Mountain Radio Service.
Students and/or parents wishing to be involved – it’s not too late! A 23 day program or 14 day program are on offer to those wanting to be involved. A video of the 2015 New Zealand Expedition can be found at: https://youtube.com/watch?v=3ZzNzED2s0E. Those interested should contact Dr Peter McMahon at the College as soon as possible.
Year 9 and 10 Camp Parent Information Evening
Due to the potential number of parents that will attend this meeting, we have made separate information evenings for Year 9 and Year 10.
- Year 9 Camp Parent Information Evening: Monday 15th May 6.00pm in rooms H4 and H5
- Year 10 Camp Parent Information Evening: Tuesday 16th May 6.00pm in rooms H4 and H5
A second option is also being offered for this Outdoor Education experience – one-week voluntary service and one week Outdoor Education camp. Parents of students electing this option are to attend a separate information evening on Tuesday 16th May at 6.00pm in room H3.
These evenings are considered essential for parents as important information will be provided including logistics, student safety, preparation and key dates and times. Please contact Dr Peter McMahon if you are unable to attend your child’s information evening so the relevant paperwork can be forwarded to you.
Dr Peter McMahon, Head of Outdoor Education