Compass No 448 - March 2017

From the Principal

Part of Nature

Ash Wednesday reminds us of two important aspects to our humanity. The first is that we are of the earth. We are made of the stuff of the earth and in the end it is to humus that our bodies return. Throughout our lives we are an interconnected part of nature. A YouTube clip created by Louie Schwartzberg contains a child reflecting that when they watch TV they see something that is not real but when they go outside into nature they have a space to explore, to imagine, to go deeper and to find things of beauty. We are connected to nature and are inspired and rejuvenated by it.

The second is that in our humanity there is humility in recognising that we make mistakes and hurt others and fall short of what God intended us to be. Just as new life grows out of ashes, so too can new life grow out of the ashes of our mistakes, through forgiveness. As we go through this Lenten season there is the opportunity to reflect on how new life can grow in our own lives through forgiving and being forgiven. As we look to Easter we are grateful for the forgiveness that Jesus has gained for us by dying on the cross. 

Principal's Log

An important habit for life is to keep the decency and fairness of our humanity intact when we are using technology. We have all seen material written digitally that would not have been communicated in a face-to-face environment. To assist in this, the College has produced social media policies for parents, staff and students. The theme across all three policies is in keeping with the College’s core values of care, dignity and respect. Students and staff receive ongoing education in this area so that they can be highly effective as networkers and learners in the online space. One of the key understandings we stress to our staff and students is to assume that anything written in this environment is public. There are important understandings for parents contained within the Social Media Policy that is included in the Parent Handbook and reprinted as part of this newsletter. All parents are asked to familiarise themselves with this policy to ensure that they are acting legally and in a way that builds people and community. 

Another important policy to maintain safety in our community is our Child Protection Policy, which is also in the Parent Handbook and is reprinted in this newsletter. The maintenance of young people’s safety is a priority of our community and we would encourage all families to re-familiarise yourselves with this material. Teachers have recently completed their annual in-service in this area.

On Sunday, I had the delight of being part of a welcoming ceremony for our kindergarten children where they received a blessing and a small gift from the College and the congregation. We thank Pastor Ray, Pastor Tim, the St Mark’s congregation and the kindergarten families and staff for this wonderful opportunity for the three different parts of our community to come together.

We look forward to the International Women’s Day Breakfast and the Cat and Fiddle Barn Dance next Friday. Both events are promising to provide opportunities for connection and fun in many and varied forms.  

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal


Social Media Policy – For Parents

1. Rationale

Pacific Lutheran College (the College) realises that life in the 21st century requires adapting to changing methods of communication and has policies for appropriate use of Social Media by staff and students. As part of the College community, parents also have a responsibility to engage appropriately with Social Media that is linked to the College. To this end, the College has developed the following guidelines to provide direction for parents when participating in Social Media activities. This includes classroom blogs, the Pacific Lutheran College Facebook page, Facebook groups, emails or any other Social Media platform/s used by parents in connection with the College either directly, or indirectly in circumstances where the College, a parent, staff member and/or student of Pacific Lutheran College is identifiable.

The College encourages parents to set and maintain high ethical standards in their use of social networking. Your posts and comments should help build and support the College community and your online behaviour should reflect the same standards of honesty, respect, and consideration that you use face-to-face and be in accordance with the Christian ethos of the College. Your behaviour online should demonstrate good digital citizenship and set an example for your children.

2. Objectives

The purpose of this policy is to:

  • Encourage parents to use social networking sites in a beneficial and positive way;
  • Safeguard pupils, staff and anyone associated with the College from the negative effects of social networking sites;
  • Safeguard the reputation of the College from unwarranted abuse on social networking sites; and
  • Clarify what the College considers to be appropriate and inappropriate use of social networking sites by parents.

3. Definitions

Social media refers to the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content sharing and collaboration. It comprises accessible tools that enable anyone to publish or access information in an online environment. Social Media may include (although is not limited to):

  • Social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.);
  • Video and photo sharing websites (e.g. Instagram, YouTube etc.);
  • Blogs, including corporate blogs and personal blogs;
  • Blogs hosted by media outlets (e.g. ‘comments’ or ‘your say’ feature on;
  • Micro-blogging (e.g. Twitter);
  • Wikis and online collaborations (e.g. Wikipedia);
  • Forums, discussion boards and groups (e.g. Google groups etc.);
  • Vod and podcasting;
  • Online multi-playing gaming platforms (e.g. World of Warcraft, Minecraft etc.);
  • Electronic messaging (including email and SMS); and
  • Geo-spatial tagging (Foursquare).

4. Guidelines

Social networking sites have the potential to enhance the learning and achievement of students and enable parents to access information about the College and provide feedback efficiently and easily. In addition, the College recognises that many parents and other family members will have personal social networking accounts, which they might use to discuss/share views about College issues with friends and acquaintances.

The College considers the following examples to be inappropriate uses of social networking sites (this list is non-exhaustive and is intended to provide examples only):

  • Making allegations or complaints about staff or students at the College;
  • Making defamatory statements about the College and/or its staff; and
  • Posting negative or offensive comments about specific pupils/staff at the College.

Parents should adhere to the following guidelines at all times:

4.1 You must adhere to the Terms of Use of the relevant Social Media platform/website, as well as copyright, privacy, defamation, contempt of court, discrimination, harassment, other applicable laws and College policies;

4.2 You must ensure that you do not use or disclose any confidential information, post or respond to material that is offensive, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, bullying, discriminatory, hateful, racist, sexist, infringes copyright, constitutes a contempt of court, breaches a Court suppression order, or is otherwise unlawful;

4.3 Child protection protocols must always be observed;

4.4 Under no circumstances should disrespectful or offensive comments be made about students, parents, staff or the College in general. Parents are requested not to comment on or forward unsupported information, e.g. rumours concerning the College, or comment or post material that might otherwise cause damage to the College’s reputation or bring it into disrepute;

4.5 Be mindful that, by posting your comments and having online conversations on Social Media sites you are broadcasting to the world. Even with the strictest privacy settings be aware that comments expressed via social networking pages under the impression of a ‘private conversation’ may still end up being shared into a more public domain, even with privacy settings on maximum;

4.6 The College’s anti-bullying and harassment policies apply to activities which are both online and in the physical workplace;

4.7 Before posting photographs and/or videos, permission should be sought from the subject. This is especially the case where photographs and/or videos include parents of students and/or staff members of the College. No photographs of students of the College (with the exception of a parent/s own children and where approved by the relevant parent/s from time to time) are to be posted;

4.8 Keep in mind that College staff members are not required or obligated to make/accept invitations to/from parents to join Social Media or social networking sites, and parents should respect each individual staff member’s personal preferences concerning their social networks. Likewise, parents are not required/should not feel obliged to accept a Social Media or social networking invitation from another College parent/s or from a staff member/s;

4.9 Parents should never discuss sensitive College matters with staff or other parents using Facebook, blogs and other Social Media outlets. As noted above, when posting, even on the strictest privacy settings, parents should act on the assumption that all postings are in the public domain;

4.10 If you come across positive or negative remarks about the College and/or its operations online that you believe are important, you may pass those posts to the Principal who will consider such comments on a case-by-case basis.

5. Grievance Procedures

Although social networking sites may appear to be the quickest and easiest way to express frustrations or concerns about the College (and those associated with it), it is inappropriate to do so. Instead, parents should refer to the College’s Grievance Policy, which outlines the best course of action to take when issues or concerns arise.

6. Compliance / Breach of this Policy

The College aims to deal with concerns raised by parents in a professional and appropriate manner and understands that parents may not always realise when they have used social networking sites inappropriately. Therefore, as a first step, the College will discuss the matter directly with the parent to try and resolve the issue and to ask that the relevant information be removed from the social networking site in question.

Depending on the circumstances, non-compliance with this policy may constitute a breach of sexual harassment, child protection or criminal laws, discrimination or some other contravention of the law. It is important to note that reports of cyber bullying and other technology abuses may result in a notification to the Police or other relevant authorities where the College is legally obliged to do so.

A breach of this policy may also involve a breach of other College policies such as the Enrolment Policy, Anti-Harassment Policy, Child Protection Policy and Privacy Policy and be considered as an infringement on the College’s Culture of Respect. In serious cases, failure to comply with the policy by a parent may put at risk the continuation of their child’s enrolment at the College (i.e. in serious cases, termination of the enrolment contractual agreement by the College may result).

7. Review Date

This policy and its procedures are to be reviewed on a biennial basis as recorded in the Policy and Procedures Register. This policy was adopted by College Council on 10th May 2016.

Child Protection Policy

Pacific recognises that protecting students from harm and the risk of harm is fundamental to maximising their personal and academic potential. For this reason, the welfare and best interests of the children within our College will always be a primary consideration.

We expect our students to show respect to our staff and volunteers and to comply with safe practices. We expect all employees to ensure that their behaviour and relationships with students reflects proper professional standards of care and are not unlawful. The College will respond diligently to a report of suspected or actual harm, or risk of harm to a student resulting from either within the College or from outside of the College.

What does the College mean by harm?

Recent Queensland legislation defines harm as:

  • Any detrimental effect of a significant nature on the child’s physical, psychological or emotional wellbeing. It is immaterial how the harm is caused. Harm can be caused by:
    • Physical, psychological or emotional abuse or neglect;
    • Sexual abuse or exploitation; or
    • Domestic or family violence.

How does the College protect students from harm?

The College has a comprehensive Child Protection and Anti Sexual Abuse Policy, which outlines the actions to be taken if a member of staff or a parent of the College becomes aware or reasonably suspects that harm has been done to a student by other staff, people outside the College or by other students.

What should you do if you become aware or reasonably suspect that harm has been caused to a student of the College by a member of staff, someone outside of the College or by other students?

You should report your concerns to the Principal or member of the Administration and Learning Executive or to any other member of College staff.

What will happen next?

If you report your concerns to a member of staff other than the Principal, the member of staff will report it to the Principal immediately. If the subject of the complaint is the Principal then the member of staff will report to the Chairperson of the College Council.

Child Protection Policy and Procedures

Every student has the right to feel safe and free from harm while at Pacific Lutheran College. We expect students to respect their teachers and other students and we expect that they will receive the same respect in return. Students should never allow themselves to feel unsafe without reporting it to someone they trust.

Who should a student tell if they do not feeling safe at school or at home?

Any member of staff, including the Pastor. If a student does not feel comfortable talking to a member of staff, they may like to write him or her a letter. If a student would prefer to talk to somebody outside of the College on a confidential basis, they can also call Kids Help Line which is a free call – 1800 551 800.

What will happen if a student reports what is happening to a member of staff?

If the concern is worrying the student but not causing them immediate harm, then the member of staff will discuss ways to solve their problem. If the concern is serious and the member of staff believes that the student is being harmed or is in danger of being harmed, he or she will report it to the Principal.

What if the student does not want the member of staff to tell the Principal?

The member of staff will aim to keep the student’s concerns confidential as much as possible. However, if the member of staff is aware or reasonably suspects that harm has been caused to a student of the College, the law states that the matter must be reported to the Principal and it may have to be reported to the Police. If the staff member has no choice about reporting what the student has told them, he or she will explain exactly what will happen next.

The most important thing is that the student feels safe and free from harm. Students must tell someone if they are being harmed or afraid that they will be harmed.

Pacific has a legal and moral responsibility to ensure that students, staff and members of the College community are not subjected to behaviours, practices or processes that may constitute harassment, discrimination, vilification, or victimisation and is therefore committed to developing an environment which promotes respect for a person’s integrity, equitable treatment and natural justice.

Taking and publishing photos, and recordings of school-based activities

Recording of school-based activities should only be for personal use and should not be published in a public manner without the permission of the College. This would include social networking sites such as Facebook or You Tube. Publishing images without permission of those in the image contravenes the College’s privacy policy. Copyright permissions are also infringed upon if music from public performances is broadcasted or duplicated.

From the College Pastor

What’s With The Ashes?

This week at our chapel services, students and teachers were encouraged to participate in the ‘imposition of the ashes’. This term refers to a traditional Christian practice carried out in some churches on Ash Wednesday, which is the first day of Lent. Ash Wednesday is always 40 days before Easter. In the ‘imposition of the ashes’ people are invited to have ash placed on their foreheads in the shape of the cross with a Pastor or leader saying; “Remember you are dust, and to dust you will return”. The words are taken from the opening chapters of the Bible, where God speaks to Adam after he has sinned. Adam is told of the consequences of his actions: expulsion from the Garden of Eden and his eventual death. God made Adam from the dust of the ground and now he tells him, that with his death, his body will return to the dust of the ground.

Like dust, ashes are a reminder of how temporary our life on earth really is. Suffering happens all around us and can hit at any time. Natural catastrophes remind us that life is a precious gift from God. We can’t take a single breath for granted. In biblical times, people were reminded of their mortality by putting ash on themselves in times of grief and repentance as well as in times of personal and national tragedies. They sat in ash heaps or put it on their heads and wore rough clothing. Today, the closest most people would come to ashes though, is when they light a fire or experience a bushfire. In the case of a bushfire, the fire burns through everything in its path, turning it into ash and charcoal. But sometime after the fire and with the help of rain, the affected area can turn vivid green, as plants and trees regrow. If we look at the times we have suffered or grieved positively, with hindsight and perspective, we can often say that we have been tested through the fire of the experience, yet we have survived. We pass through the fiery ordeals we experience in life so that with the right conditions, we can grow and new things can occur.

Christians use ash on Ash Wednesday because we know of the precariousness of life. Lent tells us that we need to look at the big picture. We need to repent of our wrongs and be cleansed on the inside, to have God’s fire go through us. But there is always hope because Jesus brings new life through the cross. He is able to grow new things from what looked like blackened ash. Jesus promises that He has come into the world to bring us life, that we may live it abundantly and to the full. Blessings for your journey through life this Lenten season.

Pastor Tim Jarick, College Pastor

From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

National Ride2School Day

On Friday 17th March, students are urged to join over 300,000 young people across Australia and adopt a two-wheeled mode of transport for National Ride2School Day. The event is Australia’s largest celebration of active travel to school, involving thousands of children each year. If driving to school in the family car is your only option, you can still be TravelSmart by parking the car a short distance away and then riding from there.

Students can register on the Sunshine Coast Council website ( to enter the draw for great prizes, including $800 in bike shop vouchers. 

Class Parent Representatives

Thank you to the parents from the following classes who have nominated as Class Parent Representatives: Prep H, 1C, 1R, 1H, 2F, 3P and 3G. If you would like to be a parent representative for your child’s class, please either advise your child’s teacher, Mrs Sue Kleinschmidt in the Junior College Office or Mr David Druery directly.

Year 4-6 Sport Captains

Congratulations to the Year 6 Sport Captains who were inducted into their roles at Monday’s assembly. These students play a vital role in enhancing the sporting experience at inter-house carnivals and competitions throughout the year and at SCISSA Gala Days and carnivals. Thank you also to the many parents who took time out of their busy schedules to attend and support this presentation.

Captains: Jack Packer and Isabella Feckner
Vice Captains: Alex Lee and Lillian Atkinson

Captains: Caelan Dean-Meredith and Katie Graves
Vice Captains: Jack Styles and Gabrielle Rattey  

Captains: Jack Brewer and Kelsey Punter
Vice Captains: Lachlan Whincop and Mya Boyall


Mr David Druery, Head of Staff and Students P-5

General Notices

Lost Property

A friendly reminder for all parents and students to check lost property. As well as unnamed uniform items, we also have a collection of watches, reading glasses and mobile phones. On Tuesday morning this week, a dog harness was found in the Middle / Senior car park and handed in. Please remember to name all items, including lunch boxes, water bottles and go cards.

Middle / Senior Administration Office

Hospital Bus Stop

In preparation for the opening of the Sunshine Coast University Hospital precinct, we have scheduled a stop at the bus stop behind the private hospital. If you would like to take advantage of this stop, please contact the Business Office for further details.

Mr Mike Healy, Business Manager

Food for Thought

Growing Children Into Leaders

The way parents raise their children has a massive impact on their leadership potential. Throughout history, it has been proven countless times that anyone can learn to be a leader. As a parent, you will play a huge part in whether your child is a leader or follower in life. Learn more at:

Ms Annie Williams, College Counsellor 

Friends of Pacific

Connecting College and Community

Barn Dance – Friday 10th March

Howdy Partners!

Dust off your boots and get ready for a wonderful night of music and dancing next Friday evening, at 5.30pm for 6.00pm start in the College Gym. The Cat & Fiddle Barn Dance is a Kindergarten to Year 12 family event.

Don’t miss Barn Fashions on the Floor! There are great prizes on offer for Best Dressed and Most Creative! There are BBQ dinner options at the Barn Yard & Waterin’ Hole for the entire family, click here for the menu.

Early Bird Tickets are available until Wednesday 8th March via the ticket order form here or outside the Prep classrooms next to our Barn Dance display Friday, Monday & Wednesday afternoons. Please contact Sara Dent (Year 2) for more information.

Family Tickets: 2 Adults and up to 3 children for $30

Single Tickets: Children $5 each and Adults $10 each

All tickets sold next Thursday, Friday and at the door on the night will be $10 each.

So, gather the clan and make a night of it!

Mrs Jenny Lee, Friends of Pacific Chairperson


International Women’s Day Breakfast

A friendly reminder that RSVP’s for the International Women’s Day Breakfast are due by Monday 6th March. Full details are in the flyer below:

Junior College

Year 2 – Marble Run Investigation

This term, Year 2 students have been integrating learning across several subject areas. In Science, we have been studying forces, looking at the effects of push and pull. In Mathematics, we have learned about measuring metres and centimetres and discovered the attributes of 2D and 3D shapes.

We have discovered that many of our toys use push and pull forces and began to look at marble runs. We decided to design, construct and test a marble run to measure how far a marble would travel. Our designs involved drawing the marble run using 2D and 3D shapes. We then constructed the marble runs and tested them, measuring the length the marble travelled in metres and centimetres. 


We are now busily graphing our results and reflecting on our learning. The level of higher order thinking throughout this project has been amazing, with students considering ways to reduce friction and improve the performance of their marble runs. Way to go Year 2. Awesome work!

Mrs Leonie Prout, Year 2 Teacher

Secondary College

Mathematics – After School Tutorials

To support students academically, the College offers Mathematics tutorials for students in Years 7-12. These tutorials are on Monday afternoons and are in rooms L13/L14 from 3.20pm to 4.20pm. Students are welcome to come along for a quiet place to complete class work, homework or seek assistance. The expectation is that they remain within the room until 4.20pm, unless picked up earlier by a parent.

Mr Adam Doyle, Head of Mathematics

From the Head of Career Development

Year 12 University Showcase Day

This week, our Year 12 cohort attended the University Showcase Day. Students heard from various university representatives, TAFE and the Defence Forces on topics such as life as a tertiary student, living away from home (including on-campus accommodation, share house renting) and living at home while studying. Students learnt about scholarships and bursaries (‘free money’) and QTAC application deadlines. Students then had the opportunity to speak with the representatives about pathway options, course information and other questions they may have had to assist them in making their future career decisions.

Mrs Natasha Purcell, Careers Counsellor

Junior Sport

Primary Lutheran Swim Carnival

Last Friday, an excited group of students across Years 3-7 travelled to the Caboolture Aquatics centre to participate in the annual Primary Lutheran Swim Carnival. Competing against six other Lutheran schools from the Sunshine Coast and North Brisbane regions provides a great opportunity for students and staff to connect in a friendly carnival atmosphere.

Pacific finished in third position overall, closely behind Immanuel Lutheran College and Good Shepherd Lutheran College. The three Sunshine Coast schools shared the top three places in the majority of the races throughout the day. At the completion of the carnival, top male and female swimmers from each school were announced. Well done to Tom Chapman and Emma McEvoy who were announced as Pacific’s top swimmers. Congratulations also to Tom Chapman and Indah Suseno who broke records:

  • Tom Chapman – 12 years boys 50m breaststroke (39.56 sec)
  • Indah Suseno – 10 years girls 50m freestyle (35.02 sec)
Sunshine Coast Regional Swim Carnival

Well done to the following Pacific students who represented the Independent District at the Regional Swim Carnival in Morayfield today.

  • Tom Chapman
  • Emma McEvoy
  • Aviva Kelly
  • Ainslie Carter
  • Indah Suseno
  • Cody Proeger
  • Thomas Jackson

Students were swimming to qualify for the Sunshine Coast team, which will participate at the state titles later this month in Brisbane.


The first SCISSA Gala Day of the year will take place next Thursday 9th March. Students are required to arrive at school by 8.10am, as many teams need to travel for their games. Students need to wear their specific team uniform and College sports hat. Football boots, shin guards and other specialist attire should not be worn until students reach their playing venue. Some venues may have canteen facilities but all students will need to bring their own lunch and water as a precaution.

Below is the list of the venues where teams will be travelling to. Parents are welcome to come along and support their child.

  • Basketball – Boys: Matthew Flinders Anglican College, Stringybark Rd, Buderim
  • Rugby 7s: Maroochydore Rugby League Club, Wises Rd, Maroochydore
  • Soccer – Boys: Meridan Sports Fields (behind Pacific)
  • Touch Football – Girls: Noosa Touch Association, Shields St, Tewantin
  • Girls T-Ball: Noosa Softball Association
  • Netball: Fishermans Rd Sports Complex, Maroochydore
  • Dance: PLC Dance Room

Games are scheduled to finish by 2.00pm and all students will be back at the College by 3.00pm for normal afternoon dismissal.

Dance: Dance students will not be travelling on Gala Day. Instead they will remain at school and participate in dance workshops run by external performance companies. They will need to wear their full sports uniform and bring their morning tea and lunch as per usual.

Good luck to all students for their first Gala Day experience of 2017.

Kayaking 2017

The Pacific kayaking season will commence in Term 2 for any interested students across Year 4-12. Further details are included in the Secondary Sport article that follows.

Soccer Coaching - Year 3-6

When: Tuesday and Wednesday mornings or afternoons will be available depending on the demand.

What: One hour skills based sessions with Scott Grimshaw, who is a highly qualified and respected coach with the West Ham United Oceania Academy.

Cost: $12 per session per child. All players will be given a West Ham t-shirt to train in.

Junior College students are invited to see Mr Darren Hooper this week to register your interest.

Mr Darren Hooper, Head of Junior Sport

Secondary Sport

SCISSA Volleyball and Soccer – Results





Int. Girls B

Snr. Girls

Snr. Boys














Shani Shuttleworth

Shelby Bennett

Rex Pollock

Cross Country Carnival - Year 8-12

When: Friday 31st March (last day of Term 1).

Where: Meridan sports fields and adjacent school grounds.

Distances: All girls will run a 3km course. All boys will run a 4km course, except for 13 years boys who will only run 3km.

Please note that the following program times are a guide only and races may be run earlier / later, depending on circumstances:

  • 1.45pm – girls race 3km (and 13 year boys)
  • 2.00pm – boys race 4km
  • 2.55pm – presentations

The aim of the Inter-house Cross Country Carnival is to have fun, develop House spirit, maximise participation and to select the fastest six students from each age division to represent the College at the District Cross Country on Thursday 18th May. All students who finish in the top six for their age group will be required to attend the District Carnival. Good luck to all students!

Kayaking 2017

The Pacific kayaking season will commence in Term 2 for any interested students across Year 4-12. Training times will be the same as last year:

  • Monday afterschool from 3.30pm to 5.00pm;
  • Thursday during SCISSA time 1.00pm to 3.00pm; and
  • Thursday after school from 3.30pm to 5.00pm.

Training is held at Lake Kawana and students are required to attend a minimum of one session per week.


Kayaking is a great way to keep fit and our program provides a great opportunity for Pacific students to participate in a water sport at a world-class venue and to have all equipment and coaching provided. The program caters for all ability levels, from beginners right through to state level athletes. Students can select a craft of their choice according to their ability level. The College has TK1, TK2, K1, K2, C1, C2 and even the odd surf ski.

Consent forms will be circulated later this term. Please contact Mr Gary Graves directly for more information.

Student Success – Club State Athletics Carnival

Year 8 student, Storm Sawyer, competed at the Club State Athletics Carnival on the weekend. It was the first time she had participated in an individual state carnival and she performed very well. Storm made it to the finals and came fourth in the 100m race and sixth in the 200m race. Well done, Storm!

Soccer Coaching - Year 7-12

When: Tuesday and Wednesday mornings or afternoons will be available depending on the demand.

What: One hour skills based sessions with Scott Grimshaw, who is a highly qualified and respected coach with the West Ham United Oceania Academy.

Cost: $12 per session per child. All players will be given a West Ham t-shirt to train in.

Middle and Senior College students are invited to see Mr Brett Kersnovske this week to register your interest.

Mr Brett Kersnovske, Head of Sport

Club Sport

Pacific Soccer
  • Start of 2017 Season
  • Pacific Soccer App
  • Rooball Carnival - U6-U10 Teams
  • Grading Games - U11+ Teams
  • Coaches and Managers
  • Mentoring / Coaching Opportunities - Older Players
  • Pacific Soccer Jersey Sponsors
  • Team Training
  • Wet Weather Cancellations
  • Reminders - Training and Games
  • Canteen Renovations
  • Pacific Soccer Canteen
  • Working Bee - 25th February 
  • Involvement with Pacific Soccer
  • Looking Ahead...
  • Pacific Soccer Contacts

Click here to download the Pacific Soccer newsletter for this week.

Mr Matt Gigney, Pacific Soccer Secretary 

PLC Netball Club

A reminder to players who have not collected their hire uniforms, they are available from the Pacific uniform shop. If you could try and collect them this week, it would be appreciated. A big thank you to Mrs Peta King for her assistance with the collection and issuing of uniforms.

Saturday 11th March is the march past and grading competition, starting from 7.30am at the Caloundra Indoor Stadium. More information will be issued to netball families directly later this week.

Training is as follows at the Pacific outdoor courts (at the back of the College grounds) straight after school:

  • Tuesday – Unicorns and Arabians; and
  • Wednesday – Mustangs, Ponies, Brumbies and Fillies.

Mr Trevor Colton, President PLC Netball Club

Uniform Shop

Opening Hours and Online Ordering

The Uniform Shop is open from 8.00am to 9.30am every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Orders can be placed online via and will be delivered to your child the following day.

Mrs Peta King, Uniform Shop Convenor

Church News

St Mark's Lutheran Church Caloundra


Pastor Ray Morris, St Mark’s Lutheran Church Caloundra

Upcoming Dates

3-5 Production Camp - Luther Heights (3.30pm Departure on Friday)
10 International Women's Day
  PLC Barn Dance
11 Safe Drive Australia Skills Day - Mt Cotton
16 Year 4-6 Foundation Cup
17 National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence
18 Academic Scholarship Test
  Year 11-12 Safe Driver Test
20 Year 7 Immunisation - Round 1
21 Friends of Pacific (7.00pm)
21-23 P-5 Conferences and Portfolios
22 Year 10-12 Drama Excusion - Queensland Theatre
23 Year 4-6 Foundation Cup
24 Year 11-12 HOSP Industry Day
25 Music Scholarship Test
26 St Mark's @ Pacific - Grow and Share (9.30am)
28-29 Middle College Conferences
30 Years 4-6 Foundation Cup
31 K-12 Chapel
  Year 3-12 Cross Country Carnival (10.00am-3.00pm)
  Term 1 Concludes