The energy and enthusiasm from the young and the more ‘wise’ was palpable during last Friday’s Grandparent’s Day. Grandparents, parents, staff and students enjoyed the meaningful chapel from 2D, the class activities and then being part of performances after a highly appreciated morning tea, provided by our Hospitality students. Thank you to our families for your support and to our staff and students for being such great hosts. We appreciate the leadership of Mr David Druery and Mrs Sue Zweck for the planning of the day, well supported by our grounds, performance and Hospitality teams.

Families then enjoyed meandering through the Student Art Exhibition that evening. The Exhibition enabled students across Kindergarten – Year 12 to showcase their works that had been inspired by the leadership of Mrs Denise McMahon, Mrs Kym Rodgers and visiting artists. The ambience of the evening was also enhanced by the jazz singing of past student, Tim Lofthouse. We thank families for their support and Mrs Denise McMahon, Mrs Kym Rodgers and Mrs Rowena Marshall for the year-long work that goes into establishing such a wonderful celebration of student talent.
Friday night also saw a number of basketball teams competing in their grand finals. This season, our basketball culture continued to grow from strength to strength. We congratulate all basketball teams who played throughout the year and particularly those who reached the grand finals. We celebrate with the Junior A Girls, Junior B Boys and Intermediate B Boys who won their finals. The College placed third overall in the competition, which is a credit to the players, supporters and to Mr Mark Hauser and his team of coaches of Mrs Michi Hauser, Mr Lance Hurdle, Mr Matt Lint, Mr Bailey Pointon, Mr Nico Prinsloo, Mr Mitch Turner, Mr Brayden Moor, Mrs Tanya Graves, Mr Scott Crompton and Mr Hayden Warburton.
In a weekend of wins, the kayaking team won the sprint championships on the Gold Coast for the twelfth time in succession after a very early start on Sunday morning. Well done to master coach Mr Gary Graves, well supported by Mrs Colleen Beattie, Mrs Rae Hall and Mrs Natalie Campbell. Thank you to these people and to parents and students for your support of kayaking over the year.
International educational consultant, Mr Mark Church visited the College on Tuesday to lead teachers through their culminating inquiry experience. Together, staff progressed their understanding with Mark’s expert guidance and shared the learnings they had encountered over the year. We thank Ms Sue Arahill, Mrs Rae Hall and Mrs Sue Zweck for the leadership of this opportunity and all of the teachers involved for their commitment to growth and learning.
On Friday 28th October, we celebrate World Teacher’s Day at Pacific. We appreciate the special role that our teachers play in nurturing young people to explore their potential across all dimensions of their lives. Having a personal passion for learning and making a difference for young people is a defining characteristic of our staff. We thank our teachers and the support staff who enable teachers, students and parents to optimise learning opportunities together.
We pray for all those who have been affected by accidents and pray that God will equip us to be people of influence who ripple out words that build others up.
Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal