Compass No 430 - August 2016

From the Principal

OCEANfest Is Here

OCEANfest is here. “Bringing all the colour, fun and energy of Rio’s Carnivale to the Sunshine Coast, Pacific Lutheran College’s OCEANfest is on Friday 19th August. Featuring dazzling street performers, amazing rides, a fabulous food fiesta, a fireworks spectacular and more than $18,000 worth of prizes, there is something for the whole family!”

We look forward to sharing an evening of good entertainment, fine food and relaxed company from 3.00pm on Friday.

Principal's Log

This week, reports have surfaced of a website containing indecent pictures of young women from different schools. It is a timely reminder for all students and their families about the importance of maintaining safe habits on the internet. As part of the cybersafety program at the College, we remind students that it is important they do not publish too much personal information online, including details of their age, their school and their suburb. It is important to remember that once information or photos are online they can easily become public through friends sharing with others. The consequences of sharing inappropriate material of any kind online can be very harmful. We will be reinforcing this message to our Middle and Senior College students in the coming days and will be encouraging them to be proactive in keeping each other safe. We also encourage parents to have these conversations at home. Where the College becomes aware of inappropriate material being posted, these matters are reported to relevant authorities as per the College’s Social Media and Child Safety policies. Where students or parents have concerns they are encouraged to make contact with the College, the police directly or via Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. Early reporting of poor choices being made can assist in keeping young people safe. I encourage all members of our community to be proactive in this area.

This week Prep to Year 5 students have celebrated National Science Week with a focus on Drones, Droids and Robots. Throughout the week, students have participated in a variety of activities including a lunchtime screening of Wall-E, quiz days, special coding and robotics lessons with Year 7 students and our Year 2 classes also made 60 Solar Buddy lights that will be on display at OCEANfest tomorrow. We thank Mrs Lu Pollard for her organisation of these activities.

We congratulate those students who received awards in the recent International Competition and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) Science Competition and commend all students who performed at their best in the competition. Middle and Senior College students were presented with Distinction certificates at assembly earlier this week. We thank Miss Rebecca Ross and her team for their enthusiasm in growing young people’s science understanding.

Families are encouraged to take note of advice contained later in this newsletter regarding closure of the P-2 Car Park from 3.30pm on Thursday and all day Friday 19th August in preparation for OCEANfest. Changes to traffic, pickup and parking will also occur on an ongoing basis over the next six months as we fit out a commercial kitchen, a new Science laboratory and extend the Early Learning Centre. Further details of this are also included later in the newsletter. All drivers and pedestrians are asked to be very mindful of the potential for builder’s trucks to be moving through the grounds.

Our kayaking team is competing at the State Marathon Kayaking Championships this weekend at the Gold Coast. We wish them all the best for this competition. We thank Mrs Colleen Beattie, Mrs Natalie Campbell and Mrs Rae Hall for their assistance and Mr Gary Graves for his coaching and coordination of the kayaking program.

We look forward to an entertaining and relaxing evening together at OCEANfest.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal

From the College Pastor

Looking for Wisdom

Lately I seem to keep losing things and have to search for them. If it is a pen, piece of paper or book it’s not too bad but if I lose something more important like my glasses, wallet or car keys, then the search becomes more desperate. If I lose my iPad, phone or laptop then my search is frantic. How can anyone live without these devices now that we depend on them so much? When we lose a material object our searching can be desperate, but searching for meaning and wisdom in life is even more important.

There is so much in life that we try to make sense of and find understanding and purpose. Some people turn to new age gurus or Eastern guides and yes, there is wisdom in many philosophies and spiritualties of the world. Some people search desperately for meaning in their relationships. Others turn to money, power or possessions for fulfilment. There are many paths we can travel on to find peace and meaning, however, most of these paths can turn out to be hollow and unsatisfying. In the end this leaves us to look for something more, something deeper and something of more substance.

As I grow older, one of the things I pray for the most is wisdom. More and more I learn from experience that I need to depend on God’s wisdom and strength for my life rather than doing it on my own. There are times in life when I have no idea what to do, or have no power to change the situation I face. This is when I realise I need to pray to God for his wisdom. There is great value in knowing God and asking him for his wisdom to accompany us and sustain us so that our faith grows deep and is substantial and strong enough to endure tough times. Through the Holy Spirit, God directs us to wisdom incarnate, his Son Jesus. He is able to give us deep understanding and insight into life’s purposes. Jesus is God’s gift of wisdom to us. Have a go at searching for that next time you are lost.

My child, if you accept my words and treasure up my commandments within you, making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding; if you indeed cry out for insight, and raise your voice for understanding; if you seek it like silver, and search for it as for hidden treasures – then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. Proverbs 2:1-5

Pastor Tim Jarick, College Pastor

From the Head of Senior Students


At the beginning of the term, we spoke with the students about the importance of time management. Over the coming weeks, it will be imperative that senior students prioritise their time to complete ongoing academic learning and revision for exams. At Chapel this week, we also reflected on learning and wisdom. This might mean that students inform their employers about their academic commitments and if possible, avoid taking on extra part-time work. We wish our senior students all the best as they continue to reflect on learning, complete assignments and prepare for any upcoming exams.

Connecting and OCEANfest

Over the past fortnight, there has been positive connections observed as student leaders across the Middle and Senior College have been planning for the student parade at the 2016 OCEANfest. Further, a number of students, parents and staff have volunteered time to serve at the stalls on the evening. Thank you to Mrs Jenny Lee and Mrs Melissa Pollack for their organisation and planning of this event. Also, we thank Pastoral Care Group families for their cash contributions that were used to purchase the Cent Auction stall prizes. We look forward to this positive community event on Friday.


Limelight Talent Contest

Thank you to Mrs Janine Delaney and our Cultural Action Group Captain, Zoe Manfield, for organising the Foundation Council Cup ‘Limelight’ Talent Content. The finalists from this competition will perform at OCEANfest this Friday.

Miss Kim Stone, Head of Senior College Students

From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Junior College Recycling

I am happy to report that the system for recycling food waste throughout the Junior College is functioning effectively. Waste from food scraps is collected daily from specially coloured bins and placed into a composting apparatus (OSCA), which turns organic waste into clean, usable compost. This compost is then used on gardens throughout the College grounds. The next step to lower our environmental footprint is to increase focus on the collection of recyclable material and decrease the waste going to landfill.

We encourage parents to consider this when preparing food for their children’s morning tea and lunch. There are alternatives for replacing much of the plastic used in lunches. Although the use of paper bags is not ideal, it is certainly preferable to plastic. Reusable stainless steel water bottles and cutlery can be used instead of plastic ones. Tupperware containers are also great for storing food items.

Developing a social culture of sustainability and environmental awareness begins in childhood. By involving students in the practical application of such a philosophy, we can help them grow into adults who are environmentally aware and who practise simple forms of waste management and recycling. Individually, we may perceive our actions to be small, but collaboratively as a community the impact can be immense.

Prep - Year 2 Athletics

All Prep to Year 2 students have been busily preparing for their Athletics Carnival, which will be held in Week 8 on Monday 29th August. The carnival will commence at 9.00am and will be completed by 10.30am. Parents are most welcome to attend this exciting event.

Year 4 Camp

The Year 4 camp will be held next week from Thursday 25th to Friday 26th August at the Alexandra Heads Conference Centre. Should you have any questions regarding this camp, please contact either your child’s teacher or Mr David Druery directly.

Mr David Druery, Head of Staff and Students P-5

Important Notices

Car Park Closure – OCEANfest

Due to the set up for OCEANfest this week, the Junior College car park will be closed from 3.30pm on Thursday and ALL day on Friday 19th August. We ask that parents and staff utilise the Year 6-12 car park for the drop off and pick up of all students. We thank you for your patience and assistance on this matter and hope you enjoy OCEANfest this year!

Building Works

Families will have noticed that construction works have now commenced on the conversion of the H2 classroom into a hospitality kitchen. This has caused some disruption to foot and vehicle traffic in the Middle/Senior College car park and we apologise for any inconvenience.

Shortly, construction will begin on the extensions to Early Learning Centre. This project is expected to run into early 2017. The extensions involve building over the existing temporary car park on the western side of the building. Replacement parking is being constructed at either end of the middles/senior drop-off area and additional temporary parking will be set out on the grass area. But, there will be some overlap between when the construction commences later this term and when the new parking is fully available (Term 4 2016 and Term 1 2017).

This means that, during the construction period, parking in the Middle/Senior car park will be severely curtailed at times. During these periods, we will ask families using middle/senior drop-off not to arrive before 3.15pm unless they are able to leave immediately. Students who are released from class prior to 3.15pm and have to wait for an older sibling will be able to sit in the newly constructed shelters until they can be collected after 3.15pm.

Please keep an eye on the Compass newsletter for further updates.

Student Attendance Before and After School

The College would like to remind our community that students should only be in attendance at the College from 8.00am each morning, as this is when formal staff supervision commences. Students across Prep to Year 6 are eligible to attend Before School Care and parents can contact the College to arrange enrolment, if necessary. Staff will supervise the designated car parks and bus stops until 3.45pm each afternoon and all students should be collected from school by this time.

Due to the building works that have commenced, Prep – Year 3 students are asked to wait with the designated teacher at the Prep steps each afternoon. Students are not to wait in front of the library as there is no supervision in this area and the bike racks have been moved here while construction is occuring. If students from Prep to Year 6 are unable to collected by 3.45pm each afternoon, parents are asked to contact the College and arrange for their children to attend the After School Care service. Any students who are not collected by 3.45pm will be taken to the main administration office where staff will contact parents. They will be supervised in this area until collected.

Year 4-12 students are asked to wait for their parents in the new bus shelter in the Year 6-12 car park. This will allow students to be fully supervised and avoid the areas currently under construction. We ask that parents reinforce these arrangements with their child so that there is no confusion in the afternoon. Any students who are not collected by 3.45pm will be taken to the Middle/Senior administration office where staff will contact parents. They will be supervised in this area until collected.

Students who wish to use the library for study may attend after school until 4.00pm but should be promptly collected by their parents at this time, as there is no further supervision after 4.00pm. Students are not to wait outside the library and if you have indicated that your child is to attend the library after school they are asked to go in to the library and remain there until they are collected. Any students not collected from the library by 4.00pm will be taken to the main administration office where staff will contact parents. They will be supervised in this area until collected.

Any activities organised by the College before and after school will of course be supervised by staff, and parents are asked to drop off or collect their students at the times advised.

We appreciate your cooperation in assisting us to keep your children safe.

Mrs Tanya Crooks, Director of Staff

Student Awards

Stars of the Week

This Week Monday 15th August

Prep:  Euan Lengenberg, Banjo Brandenburg, Anna Lumkes, Sam Schefe and Laura Newman.

Year 1:  Lottie Winter Oliver.

Year 2:  Jemma Linfoot, Mia Roberts, Talon Paora, Zoe Woods and Kyle Bradford.

Year 3:  Harry Mogg, Megan Atkinson, Grace Cawley, Leila Osborne and Connor Ransome.

Year 4:  Austen Thomas and Indie Suseno.

Year 5:  Jewel Jamieson, Ainslie Colton, Elizabeth Maclean, Hamilton Turnbull, Nikita Gallagher and Alice Hindmarsh.  

You Can Do It Awards

Confidence:  Carter Kiernan and Jersey Pollard.

Persistence:  Hayley Mees.

Getting Along: Cooper Ridley, Liam Loane and Henry Dunn-Neill. 

Other Awards

Mathletics Gold:  Macy Brown, Cooper Symes, Georgia Fergusson, Mitchell Pyke and Jemma Hynes.

Word Attack Skills:  Mia Salta, Ethan Benson and Cooper Feckner.

Food for Thought

Helping Our Children Cope With Stress

Stress is a natural and normal part of children's lives and the process of growing up can carry quite a bit of stress at different times. Children can begin to experience stress at a very early age and can be more vulnerable because they have not yet learned effective ways to cope with it. While children are young, parents should begin helping them acquire the skills to cope with stress effectively. Read more at:

Ms Annie Williams, College Counsellor

Library News

Robots and Science Week

This week, students have been given the opportunity to work with robots during lunchtimes as part of National Science Week. Students drove a Lego EV3 robot and attempted to fire missiles and hit a target, used an iPhone to manoeuvre a Sphero robot through a maze and moved a Spark robot using an iPad as a controller. Even Pastor Tim joined in!


Visiting Authors

In the lead up to Book Week, we have had three authors visit the College this week. Steph Bowe, who had her first book published when she was only 16, spoke to the Year 9-12 students about writing and how age is no barrier to being a writer. Storyteller, Nadia Sunde, had the Prep to Year 3 students in stitches as she entertained them and told stories about the power of imagination. Finally, award-winning author Pat Flynn visited the Year 4-7 students. The Year 4 YACHTS students have been studying Pat’s novel, ‘To the Light’, and enjoyed meeting the author and being able to ask him questions.


Premier’s Reading Challenge

The Premier’s Reading Challenge closes next Friday 26th August. Students who wish to be eligible for the award must hand their completed forms in to the library by this date.

Telling Stories Writing Competition

All entries for the Telling Stories Writing Competition must be emailed to Ms Nell Keen by next Monday 22nd August.

Ms Nell Keen, Teacher Librarian 


OCEANfest - Tomorrow From 3.00pm!

Wealth Directions Wine Down Bar
Lance and Trena-Jane Rowlands welcome you to enjoy a glass of sangria or two at the Wealth Directions Wine Down Bar at OCEANfest this Friday. There’ll be plenty of entertainment under the gorgeous Nomadic Tent with buskers performing throughout the evening.


Cent Auction
There will be more than 80 prizes up for grabs in the Cent Auction, which will be held in the gym! Auction sheets are $6 each or you can purchase two for $10. Get in quick though – entries close at 7.15pm.

Live Auction
The Live Auction will be held from 7.00pm in the Wealth Directions Wine Down Bar. Don’t miss out, register and bid for your favourite package! There are 10 amazing packages up for grabs:

  1. Relax Package at the Oaks Oasis Resort including two nights accommodation
  2. Fitness Package with Anytime Fitness Currimundi including a complete training package plus a NutriBullet Pro
  3. Photo Package with OnQ Photography
  4. Dad’s Package including two ARB Camping Chairs, an Ultratune service voucher, a complete ratchet set and an Audi hat and mug
  5. Mum’s Package including a $250 Shine Beauty voucher, a $50 SheVita voucher and a rejuvenation massage voucher
  6. Party Package including a Kawana Aquatic Centre pool party PLUS Lickable Cakes
  7. Entertainment Package including two entry passes to Thrill Hill, a Rollerdrome entry pass and vouchers for The Big Boing, Aussie World and Bigscreen Cinemas Caloundra
  8. Car Package including the exclusive Pacific car park space, an AUDI baby racer and a $50 voucher for the College uniform shop
  9. Getaway Package including one nights accommodation at the Best Western (plus breakfast)
  10. Fitness Package with Anytime Fitness Currimundi including at 12 month gym membership
  11. Fitness Package with EzyFit including at 12 month gym membership

Final Reminders

  • Please return raffle tickets as soon as possible. The winner will be drawn on Friday night.
  • Purchase ride passes online at: or from outside the main administration office before school on Friday.
  • The Junior College car park will be closed from 3.30pm on Thursday and all day on Friday to allow the set-up to commence.

OCEANfest 2016 Committee

Secondary College

Create for Space – Quberider Project

Last week, the University of New South Wales’ head Quberider team sent a series of experiments into the stratosphere using a high altitude balloon. The data from these experiments will be sent to our Create for Space students in the next week so it can be examined. Examining this data will help students gain a better understanding of the kinds of data they need from their own experiments.

On Monday, we received the hardware that will be used to create, code and upload our space experiment. The space team, including Liam, Cameron, Harry and Isaac, has been busy assembling the Sagan and Raspberry Pi and learning to program the Rasbian (Debian for Raspberry Pi) operating system.


The team is now coding small modules to talk to the on-board sensors and camera and learn the limitations they face in their experiment designs. The scientific experiment itself will be run by the astronauts at the International Space Station and the resulting data will be returned to earth for analysis.

Mrs Janine Stone, Head of Information Technology

LEGO Short Movie Competition

Students are invited to enter the LEGO® Education StoryStarter competition. To enter you will need to have filmed your LEGO story, uploaded your video to YouTube and have the link available for your entry. The competition runs until 15th September and there are four starter packs to be won! To enter, visit:

Mrs Janine Stone, Head of Information Technology

After School Mathematics Tutoring

To support students academically, the College will continue Mathematics tutorials for students in Years 7-12 who would like extra assistance or clarification of concepts. These tutorials are held on Monday afternoons in rooms L13/L14 from 3.20pm to 4.20pm. Students are welcome to come along for a quiet place to complete Maths class work, homework or ask for assistance. The expectation is that students remain within the room until 4.20pm, unless picked up earlier by a parent.

Mr Adam Doyle, Head of Mathematics

Science Awards

The International Competition and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) Science Competition assesses students’ skills in the key scientific areas of interpreting data, applying data and higher order skills, including investigating, reasoning and problem solving. Each year, students across Year 3-12 who are enrolled in a Science subject participate in this competition. 

For a student to be awarded a certificate of Distinction, they need to be ranked in the top 11% of their year level in the whole of Australia. This year, we have 19 students across Years 6-12 who achieved this outstanding ranking, with one of our Year 8 students only 1% short of being awarded a High Distinction (top 1%).

Year 6:  Jasmin Groves.

Year 7:  Kate Monroe, Cosette Winter, Lachlan Buchanan (top 5%) and Olivia Gartrell (top 3%).

Year 8:  Tom McLaughlin-Phillips, Ryan Price (top 6%) and Tayla Gorham (top 2%).

Year 9:  Georgia Harle, Joseph Higginson and Jackson Laverick.

Year 10:  Keaton Dines and Ethan Hall (top 4%).

Year 11:  Liam Dines, Olivia McCluskey, Sam Reidy and Shannon Van Schooten (top 4%).

Year 12:  Zane Gear and Jack Gretton (top 7%).

For a student to be awarded a certificate of Credit, they need to be ranked in the top 36% of their year level in the whole of Australia. This year, we had 69 students across Years 6-12 who achieved this ranking, with seven of these students less than 5% short of achieving a certificate of Distinction (top 11%).

Year 6:  Ruby Anderson (top 16%), Jack Connors (top 21%), Sophie Dahl (top 21%), James Box (top 27%), Erika Christensen (top 16%), Jacob Salvesen (top 16%), Zebadiah Gallagher (top 21%), Liam Russell (top 21%), and Noah Smith (top 12%).

Year 7:  Toby Easton (top 19%), Tom Grey (top 28%), Emily McKenzie (top 28%), Dafydd Thomas (top 12%), Noah Beasley (top 19%), Connor Dines (top 24%), Patrick Henderson, Nicola Hewitt (top 28%), Bethany McKenna (top 19%), Sebastian Moye (top 19%), Ella Ousley (top 12%), Eliza Woods (top 19%), Hayley Young (top 28%), Mitch Barwick, Ellie Dixon (top 24%), Yasmin Richters (top 28%), Holly Ubrihien (top 24%), Nadia-Rose Woods (top 19%), Jason Wulff (top 28%), Jayda Lowe (top 19%) and Alicia Woods.

Year 8:  Jasmine Foley, William Henry, Jared Solti, Patrick Swindles (top 13%), Georgia Barton (top 15%), Toby Brown (top 19%), Maya Prout, Sophie Empson (top 26%), Mack Turner, Tyrone Brooks (top 15%), Brooklyn Graves (top 19%) and Atlanta Hopewell.

Year 9:  Harrison Carde (top 29%), Jacob Cross-Pitcher (top 25%), Samuel Fleming (top 29%), Crystal Page, Jye Gallagher (top 29%), Stephanie Keenan and Rebekah Pierce.

Year 10:  Ted Butler, Jackson Brown, Connor Hirst, Lachlan Masson (top 20%), Liam Munro (top 20%), Olivia Papallo (top 20%), Khy Bolt (top 29%), Patrick Brennand (top 24%), Ryan Smart (top 29%), Charlotte Sorrell and Natasha Whiteley.

Year 11:  Imogen Joppich (top 16%), Drew Chaplin (top 29%), Sam Lines, Jackson Mikolic (top 20%), Ben Pierce (top 16%), Harry Stone (top 20%), and Georgia Woods.

Year 12:  Bailey Hockam (top 21%) and Hudson Sawyer.

We extend huge congratulations to all of these high achieving students and to all students who participated in the competition.

Miss Rebecca Ross, Head of Science  

Cultural News

Japanese Speech Contest

This year, Pacific held its first Japanese Speech Contest as part of the Foundation Council Cup. Sixty students across three divisions auditioned for a place in the final. The finals coincided with the Seishin Gakuen visit and gave our students the opportunity to showcase their Japanese language skills to the Seishin teachers. The teachers were very impressed with the level of Japanese spoken and look forward to seeing many of our students in Japan on a future trip. The Japanese Department would like to congratulate the following participants.

Year 3 Participants: Grace Cawley, Ruby Prosser, Leila Osborne, Alexandra Schlotterbach, Ashton Haas, Libby Punter, River Boyall, Chloe Hughes, Addison Biggs, Max Styles, Megan Atkinson, Alexander Hughes, Mason Pratt, Amelia Holmes, Toby Creamer, Jada Baker, Sameeha Thompson, Hayden Burnett, Mitchell Briese, Amber Hetherington, Georgina Walsh and Hugh Henry.

Year 4 Participants: Sarah Timperley, Keeley Meade, Ayanna Nath, Ruona Akporhonor, Jackson Bailey, Lachlan Ridley, Aidan Meade, Macy Brown, Jessica Lloyd, Makenzie Brooks, Kirrily Petfield, Marco Huen, Priya Miles, Ainsley Carter, Matthew McKenzie, Sebastian Carter, Cooper Watham, Zoe Nankivell, Olivia Boland, Macey Winter Oliver and Indah Suseno.

Year 5 Participants: Gabrielle Rattey, Elyse McFadyen, Christian Schlotterbach, Tamara Zolotar, Katie Graves, Kelsey Punter, Cate Moffitt, Alice Hindmarsh, Eamon Mahoney, Lachlan Whincop, Lillian Atkinson, Georgia Fergusson and Hanna Meager.

Year 6 Participants: Lily Carmichael, Matthias Schlotterbach, Jasmin Groves and Sebastian Box.

Year 7 Participants: Tanushi Nath, Kate Monroe and Sarah Jones.

Year 10 Participants: Mali Davis and Lauren Petersen.


We also congratulate the following winners from each division:

Year 3-5

  1. Jackson Bailey
  2. Christian Schlotterbach
  3. Alexandra Schlotterbach
  4. Ayanna Nath

Year 6-9

  1. Tanushi Nath
  2. Jasmin Groves
  3. Kate Monroe
  4. Sebastian Box

Year 10-12

  1. Lauren Petersen
  2. Mali Davis

Well done everyone!

Schlotterbach Sensei, Japanese Teacher

Congratulations Imogen Joppich

Congratulations to Year 11 student, Imogen Joppich, who recently received a Merit score for her Grade VI Speech and Drama Practical Exam with the Australian College of Music. This particular grade level focuses on the performance of Victorian era literature. Imogen's performances included dramatic works by authors such as Oscar Wilde, Lewis Carroll, Wilkie Collins and Robert Browning. Later this month she will be completing the Grade VI theory exam and we wish her all the best.

Ms Lisa McKibben, Speech and Drama Tutor

From the Head of Career Development

Future Careers 2025 Expo

From drones to flight simulators, iPod controlled rolling robots to electric cars, our Year 9 students had the opportunity to experience the latest innovative technology when they visited the Future Careers Expo last week. Students heard about the top seven high value industries on the Sunshine Coast and were encouraged to consider these when thinking about their future study pathways and employment. The top seven sectors showcased on the day were:

  • Education;
  • Health;
  • Knowledge and Professional Services;
  • Tourism, Sport and Leisure;
  • Clean Technologies;
  • Aviation and Aerospace; and
  • Food and Agribusiness.
University of the Sunshine Coast (USC)

Headstart Information Evening
USC is holding a Headstart Information Evening on Thursday 8th September at their Sippy Downs campus. The information eveing is ideal for students to attend with their parents as they’ll be covering the application process in depth. The Can't Wait to Start University guide provides information for students about both the Headstart and ILP programs.

Scholarship Information
Scholarships and bursaries are not just for high academic achievers or if you are struggling financially. They are also available for students demonstrating sporting achievement or community involvement such as volunteering, fundraising or taking on a leadership role. To find out more, visit:

Aviation Careers Expo

Considering a career in aviation? The Aviation Careers Expo is on this Saturday 20th August from 10.00am to 4.00pm in Brisbane and is free to attend! Students will have the opportunity to listen to industry talks, engage in training demonstrations and view aircraft displays. To register, visit: The full schedule of activities can be accessed at:

There is also the opportunity to win an experience on LifeFlight's brand new THALES Reality H Full Flight AW139 Helicopter Simulator. To enter, visit the Aviation Careers Expo Facebook page and simply like and share the simulator post. 

2017 Apprenticeships

Year 12 students should not wait until they finish school in November to start looking for an apprenticeship. Many employers will begin to recruit for 2017 from this time of the year. The first thing students need to do is decide on the type of apprenticeship they want. The Queensland Training Information Service website ( has a list of apprenticeships available in Queensland. Students can also talk to people already in the job and/or do work experience. The following websites have useful steps to gaining an apprenticeship:

JMC Academy – September Holiday Workshops

JMC Academy provides creative industry courses in music, song writing, audio engineering, film and television production, entertainment business management, games, 3D animation and digital design. The academy is holding the following introductory workshops at its Brisbane campus (75 Grey Street, South Brisbane) during the September school holidays.

  • Monday 19th September – Maya and Mudbox Workshop: This workshop will focus on character creation and animation.
  • Monday 19th September – A leton Live Workshop: In this workshop students will be introduced to sound recording and engineering.
  • Tuesday 20th September – Animation and Game Development Workshop: This introductory workshop is designed specifically for high school students.
  • Tuesday 20th September – Pro Tools Workshop: This workshop will introduce high school students to the system of Pro Tools.
  • Wednesday 21st September – Music, Audio, and Entertainment Business Workshop: This workshop will introduce students to all facets of the music industry including contemporary music performance, sound production and artist and event management.
  • Thursday 22nd September – Film and Television Workshop: This workshop will provide students with an introduction to film and TV studio recording processes.
  • Thursday 22nd September – Motion Capture Workshop: This workshop will introduce students to the technology and techniques for designing, setting up, capturing and working with motion capture data.

For more information and to book tickets, visit

QCAA Learning Account Competition

The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) is offering Year 12 students the chance to win a Surface Pro 4. All students have to do is log into their Learning Account before 31st August. Students will need their LUI (Learner Unique Identifier) and password to log in. Students will also need their LUI for QTAC applications. For more information about the competition, visit:

Mrs Natasha Purcell, Careers Counsellor 

Secondary Sport

Water Polo

Congratulations to our Senior Girls who took on St John’s College in the Sunshine Coast Schools Water Polo competition this week. The girls were dominant in their 15-2 victory over their opposition and played with some great teamwork. This is the fourth match in a row that the team has won! We wish the girls all the best for their game next week. 

Co-Curricular Photo Day - Sport

On Tuesday 23rd August (next week), all sporting teams will be involved in co-curricular photos. All teams who are currently playing matches (touch and basketball) this term, will need to bring their team uniforms for photos. All other sports will have uniforms provided. Only those students who represented the College throughout a season will be allowed in the photos. A list of students involved has been given to PCG teachers. All students are to wear their sports uniform to school on Tuesday for the photo day.

Student Success

Earlier this year, Jez Lofthouse was selected in an elite football team to compete at an international youth tournament in China. The championships were held from 6th – 16th August and Jez competed against the Czech Republic, Malaysia, Thailand, China and South Korea in a week long tournament. Jez and his team played above expectations and went through the competition undefeated, in one of the top youth championships in the world! Jez was commended for his play and was one of the key members of the squad.  This is a tremendous achievement for Jez and he should be congratulated on his achievements. Well done, Jez.

Kayaking Championships

This weekend, our Pacific kayaking team will head to the Gold Coast to compete in the State Marathon Kayaking Championships. We wish the team all the very best at the competition. A big thank you to Mrs Colleen Beattie, Mrs Natalie Campbell and Mrs Rae Hall for their help with the kayaking program. A special mention must also go to Mr Gary Graves for all his hours of preparation and effort coaching all the athletes from Years 4-12 again this year. It is a huge undertaking and the College is grateful for the expertise and time Mr Graves gives to provide the students with such a great opportunity.

Mr Mark Hauser, Head of Sport

Club Sport

Pacific Soccer
  • Round 18
  • Canteen Assistance
  • Rooball Carnival - 20th August
  • Semi-Final Games - 20th August
  • Equipment Return
  • Breakup and AGM 2016
  • Adermann Awards
  • Pacific Soccer Contacts

Click here to download the Pacific Soccer newsletter for this week.

Mr Ian Barnes, Pacific Soccer President

Uniform Shop

Opening Hours and Online Ordering

The Uniform Shop is open from 8.00am to 9.30am every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Orders can be placed online via and will be delivered to your child the following day.

Mrs Peta King, Uniform Shop Convenor

Church News

St Mark's Lutheran Church Caloundra


Pastor Ray Morris, St Mark’s Lutheran Church Caloundra

General Notices

KidsFORKids Concert

KidsFORKids is an open age event where talented teenage musicians come together to show their support and raise money for other local Sunshine Coast kids who are living with a serious illness.

The first KidsFORKids will be held at: The Shed, Aussie World on Saturday 10th September.

It will be to support two Sunshine Coast teenagers, Bella Harry and Pacific Lutheran College student, Declan Walker. Both Bella and Declan are currently undergoing treatment for cancer.

Tickets for the event are $30 each, with every dollar going to help Bella and Declan. Tickets include entry into Aussie World with exclusive use for KidsFORKids from 5.00pm. Local teenage musicians will be performing in the theme park prior to the main concert commencing at 6.30pm. The concert will include three great local teenage bands Flooke, Doolie and hoo8hoo.

Tickets are available at Aussie World and via:

Click here to download the event flyer.

Entertainment Books

Pacific Lutheran College is fundraising with Entertainment™ again this year. The NEW 2016 | 2017 Entertainment™ Book and Digital Memberships are available now and are packed with thousands of up to 50% OFF and 2-for-1 offers. From every Membership we sell, 20% of the proceeds go towards our fundraising for Pacific Lutheran Kindergarten and Early Learning Centre! Click here to order your book or digital membership:

Upcoming Dates

19 Secondary District Athletics Carnival - USC (Full Day)
  OCEANfest 2016 (3.00pm - 8.30pm)
22-25 Book Week
23 Sport and Curricular Photo Day
  Year 6 Canberra Information Evening (6.00pm)
24 Mark Church Visit
25 SCISSA Trial Game 6 - PLC Bye
25-26 Year 4 Camp - Alexandra Headlands
29 Prep - Year 2 House Athletics Carnival
30-31 QCS Test
2 Celebrating Dad's Breakfast
8 SCISSA Primary Gala Day 3
15 Year 4-6 Foundation Cup
16 K-12 Chapel
  Term 3 Concludes