Over this past week and into next week, young people will receive feedback about their tests. It is important that the focus is on ‘what can be learnt’ rather than ‘what result was received’. Where testing is seen as an important feedback process for learning, there is improvement-focused reflection. This type of reflection builds engagement, confidence and resilience. A balanced reflection includes identifying those things that went well as well as those that need to be improved. Self-efficacy is grown by focusing on what the young person can do, rather than what others can or should do for them. Identification of and building commitment to a single goal for each area of learning empowers people to make necessary changes.
This improvement focused reflection and action is an important habit for all areas of life. Having the habit of mind to look for what can be learnt from testing times enables people to learn and grow through challenges, make proactive choices and move forward. God invites us to live our lives in a state of Grace through faith in Him, where we learn from the mistakes that are made, commit to making better choices and live our lives focused on making a better present and future for ourselves and others.