Ever wanted an inside peek into studying at the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC)?
Bachelor of Nursing Science / Bachelor of Midwifery
Students learn in a nursing ward set up with all of the latest equipment, as used by Queensland Health. There are interactive (mock) patients who require treatment based on varying programmed medical needs. Wards and rooms are set up to replicate aged care rooms, hospital wards and paediatric units. Drama students also act as patients as part of their assessment tasks.

Bachelor of Law
Students practice their mooting in a courtroom set up to replicate real life settings. Evidence can be shared using the computer screens at each bench.
Bachelor of Serious Games
Students work in multi-disciplinary teams to create games that can be used to raise awareness, change opinion, engage emotion and motivate behaviour in the Lab of Awesomeness. Games are being used in education, health, psychology, physiology, elite athlete training and road safety using the CAVE2 immersive environment and Oculus Rift. Scholarships are available, including the Fair Play Scholarship for Women in Games.

Bachelor of Engineering and Science
Students access three cutting-edge visualisation facilities that provide a hybrid of 2D and 3D virtual reality techniques allowing students to see and interact with complex data to accelerate and deepen their learning. The largest of these facilities is the Visualisation Studio, which houses the CAVE2TM. One of only four of its kind in the world (one in Melbourne and two in the USA), the CAVE2TM provides a near-seamless, 320-degree, immersive, panoramic 3D virtual environment.
The Structural Laboratory provides equipment and facilities for testing a wide range of structural materials. Data capture equipment enables its operations and demonstrations can be linked back to the visualisation theatre.
The Manufacturing Laboratory contains two large industrial-sized CNC machines; a 5-axis, 24-tool vertical machining centre and a 12-tool lathe. Students are able to program these CNC machines to produce high precision, complex-contoured parts.

Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science, Bachelor of Sport Studies and Bachelor of Education (Secondary) / Bachelor of Recreation and Outdoor Environmental Studies
Students access HPE stadiums, sports laboratories, fields, tracks, courts and Fraser Island Research and Learning Centre at Dilli Village, Fraser Island.

USC offer campus tours if you want to experience this for yourself. Visit: http://www.usc.edu.au/connect/schools-and-parents/on-campus.