From the Principal

Principal's Log

We thank our Senior Voices group led by Mr Adrian King and Mrs Aleisha Tuaine for being part of the Hymns We Love at St Mark’s Lutheran Church, Bombala, on Sunday. The singing of the young people was greatly appreciated, and we thank our parents,...
From the Principal

OCEANfest Generosity

There has been a tremendous generosity of spirit evident as we have prepared for this year’s OCEANfest. Many parents have been working hard in the lead up to the carnival, organising stalls, year level activities, entertainment, food and logistics...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Earlier this week we farewelled our Seishin students who had enjoyed a week at the College. We thank our host families, shadow students, staff and general community for the hospitality they shared with the Seishin visitors. We also welcome two...
From the Principal

Welcome Seishin

There is always an extra air of excitement and warmth as we welcome the staff and students of our sister school Seishin Gackuen into our community. Right from the first welcome afternoon, students and staff from both schools were mingling together,...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

All families should have received a copy of the Compass Review and the annual update of developments at the College in the post this week. An email has been sent encouraging all families to take the opportunity to provide feedback via the annual...
From the Principal

Growing through Messiness

All relationships go through challenging times where people let each other down. Learning to grow a relationship through these messy times is a real strength. In getting the best from a messy situation we often need to let go of our own needs and...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Early next week families will receive a mailed copy of this year’s Compass Review which outlines the broader philosophical direction of the College, captures some of the highlights of the first half of the year and shares some inspiring stories from...
From the Principal

Calm, Positive, Purposefulness

The start of a new year, new semester, new week and new day provides us with the opportunity to recentre ourselves. As we start our new semester we can reflect on where we are, reflect on what good things have enabled us to get to where we are and...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

It is always exciting to feel the energy as staff and students return to the College. We welcome everyone and in particular new students and their families to the start of Term 3. We also welcome new teachers Mr Damien Johns (Year 6), Mr Scott...
From the Principal

Rest Rejuvenation and Fun

It is important that we take time to rest, rejuvenate and have fun. Through taking time to rest and have fun, our bodies and brains have time to recover and refresh and we live our life in full colour. Ensuring we get enough sleep daily, enables us...
From the Principal