From the Principal

Principal's Log

Congratulations to Rebekah Pierce who won the Caloundra Club’s Lions Youth of the Year competition for 2019. Well done to Jackson Laverick and Stephanie Keenan who also represented themselves, their families and the College well in their...
From the Principal

Next Step

Thinking of career decisions in terms of the next step was one of the strong messages senior parents and students heard in the presentation from Mrs Wanda Hayes, our Head of Career Development, at their respective information evenings. Seeing...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Over the weekend, the Queensland Art Teachers Association Sunshine Coast Chapter benefitted from learning from Dr Kym Rodgers, who provided professional development in the areas of 21 st Century Abstract Art Theory and an Abstract Comics practical...
From the Principal

Responsibility In The Digital World

Earlier this week, cyber safety expert Mrs Susan McLean gave powerful and meaningful presentations to all Year 4-12 students and to parents, later in the evening. Mrs McLean expressed the importance of using digital communication responsibly. This...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Parents, students and staff took many important messages from Mrs Susan McLean’s cyber safety messages. I encourage parents who attended the evening to share their learnings with their fellow parents who were unable to attend. Two simple but...
From the Principal

Empowered Through Personal Responsibility

When we take personal responsibility, we learn to make the most of any situation we find ourselves in. In this we recognise it is more the attitude we bring to a situation rather than the circumstance that dictates outcomes for us. Focusing on the...
From the Principal

Empathy Grows Care

Empathy unlike sympathy grows connection. Empathy involves us understanding someone else’s perspective, putting ourselves in their shoes, and feeling with them. When we are empathetic we are able to genuinely care for others. Empathy involves the...
From the Principal

Welcome to the 2019 Pacific Adventure

Welcome to the 2019 Pacific adventure! We adventure together as Prep, Year 6 and Year 10 students who enter the Junior, Middle and Senior College for the first time, Year 12s who will complete their final year of schooling, Year 11 students who will...
From the Principal

Time for Rest and Stillness

Many of us would be familiar with the passage from Ecclesiastes that talks about the times and seasons in our lives. It begins ‘To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven …’. Time is one of our most precious gifts...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Over this last fortnight parents, students and staff have enjoyed the Year 3 and 4 string ensembles and the Year 5 and 6 Multi-Instrument Concerts. These performances have allowed young people, staff and parents to celebrate the tremendous growth...
From the Principal