Library News

Voices on the Coast

Lists of the students selected to attend Voices on the Coast are posted on the library noticeboard. Ms Nell Keen, Teacher Librarian
Library News

Voices on the Coast

This week, students in Years 4-9 were invited to apply to attend the Voices on the Coast Literature Festival, to be held at the University of the Sunshine Coast. This is always a very popular event, with more people applying than we have places for...
Library News

Shakespeare Week

Thank you to everyone for making Shakespeare Week a great success. If students would like their photo, dressed up in their Shakespearean costumes, they may collect them from the library next week. Our Shakespearean games day was enjoyed by Junior...
Library News

Book Club

Book Club orders are due to the library next Tuesday 26 th April.
Library News


New LibGuides have been added this week for Year 5 and Year 11 English. The Year 10 History guide has also been updated. http://libguides...
Library News

Shakespeare Week

Shakespeare Week has been a great success. Congratulations to Mumba 1 for winning our Shakespeare Quiz. The dress up photo booth was very popular with students and even some staff. Photos are on display in the library if you’d like to have a look...
Library News

Welcome to Mrs Doyle

Mrs Helen Doyle has joined the library team this term. She will be taking library classes on Tuesdays, working with all the Prep and Year 2 students and some classes in Years 5, 6 and 8.
Library News

Making Lemonade

Our first MakerSpace activity for the term was our most popular yet – making homemade lemonade. We had 50 cups available, which were all gone within 10 minutes and we had to turn over 30 students away! This simple recipe had students making a sugar...
Library News

Shakespeare Week

The 23 rd April marks the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare. There will be celebrations happening all around the world, particularly in Great Britain. At Pacific, we are making next week Shakespeare Week ! The library will be...
Library News

Book Launch

Lynette Noni, author of The Medoran Chronicles, is launching her new book, Raelia, at Collins Booksellers on Bulcock Street Caloundra on 23 rd March at 4.30pm. If you love Harry Potter you will love this this fantasy saga! The series is about a...
Library News