Library News

Osmo Fun Time

OSMO is an iPad game system where you can play games to learn Coding, Mathematics, English and Art. Come and join us at the library to experience OSMO during Wednesday lunchtimes. Osmo Tangram: Challenge yourself to solve the puzzles pieces into...
Library News


A LibGuide has been added to support the Year 9 Business Economics assignment on international trade: . Ms Nell Keen, Head of Library and Mrs Lily Smith, Library Technician
Library News


Seven new LibGuides were added this week for the subject of Philosophy. Visit: to see guides on: What is philosophy? Metaphysics Logic and reasoning Ethics Aesthetics Epistemology
Library News

Book Club

Book Club order forms were distributed this week to Prep to Year 7 students. Orders must be in, either online or in person at the library, by Friday 9 th March. Ms Nell Keen, Head of Library
Library News

Library Lovers' Day

The 14 th February, as well as being Valentine's Day is also Library Lovers' Day. This is a day to celebrate libraries and what they stand for – free and open access to knowledge, to culture, to ideas, to community, to literature, to imagination and...
Library News

Library Monitors

Library monitors are valued members of the library team, assisting staff at lunchtimes and at events. Our library monitors received their badges this week on assembly and will have a pizza lunch on Monday to welcome them to their service...
Library News

Parent Information Evenings

At the Prep – Year 5, Middle College and Year 11 information evenings over the last couple of weeks, Ms Sue Warren and I have spoken about the resources available from the library website for students. Please take the time to have a look at our...
Library News

Lunchtime Activities

There are a number of lunchtime activities available for Prep – Year 5 students in the library. There are limited places so get in early. Monday: Story telling – relax and listen to a story. Tuesday: Make and Take – get crafty and make something...
Library News

Week 1 Update

Welcome to all our new and returning families. We have an exciting year planned in the library with an extension being built, visiting authors, competitions, Book Week, the Book Fair and literature festivals. Lunchtime activities will include coding...
Library News

Week 8 Update

Maroochydore Youth Services Visit We welcomed Lisa Austin to the library this week. Lisa shared information about Maroochydore library’s upcoming holiday programs, activities and services. Further information can be found on the Sunshine Coast...
Library News