Junior Sport

4-6 SCISSA Sport

4-6 SCISSA Monday afterschool training starts up again next Monday 6 th August. Students have finalised their sport selections and students will now start training for these sports each week. Afterschool training is from 3.15 – 4.15pm and the...
Junior Sport

Junior Sport Update

Welcome back to Semester Two for Junior College sport. As always sport kicks off straight away with a variety of carnivals and sporting activities taking place. Lutheran and District Athletics Carnivals Both the Lutheran and District athletics...
Junior Sport

Student Success

Tom Ackhurst who has just started at PLC this term participated in NSW and Queensland Ski Championship at Thredbo last week representing Pacific Lutheran College. Tom placed 2nd in Moguls and 3rd in Ski X for Qld in Div. 5 under 10 years old. Well...
Junior Sport


Last Thursday morning, excitement levels were high amongst Year 4-6 as they assembled for their SCISSA Gala Day. After rain washed out the previous Gala Day and also a number of inter-school trial games, students finally had the opportunity to put...
Junior Sport

Prep - Year 2 Cross Country

Perfect weather conditions greeted our youngest students in the school as they participated in the Prep – Year 2 cross country carnival on Wednesday. Students had been running the course in Physical Education lessons throughout the term in...
Junior Sport

Student Success

Congratulation to Eamon Mahoney and Sebastian Carter who have both been selected in Sunshine Coast Representative Teams for their chosen sports. Eamon recently played for the Independent District team at the Regional Under 12 Rugby carnival. From...
Junior Sport

3-6 Athletics Carnival

The rain managed to hold off just long enough last Wednesday for the 3-6 Athletics Carnival to be run out at The University of the Sunshine Coast athletics track. It was great to see a high level of student participation on the day and also a number...
Junior Sport

Independent District Cross Country Carnival

Well done to all students who competed last week at the Independent District Cross Country Carnival. Conditions were perfect for running on the day with mild temperatures and a mostly dry track after recent rain. Ten schools competed on the day at...
Junior Sport


3-7 Athletics Training Unfortunately, due to wet weather athletics training had to be cancelled on Monday afternoon. Next Monday training will commence afterschool from 3.15 – 4.30pm. All students from Years 3 – 7 are welcome to come along to...
Junior Sport

Independent District Cross Country Carnival

The rescheduled Independent Cross Country Carnival will be held Wednesday 23 rd May 2018 at the Maroochydore Cricket Club, Elizabeth Daniels Park, Buderim. Students need to wear their full sports uniform, including their hat and bring a packed lunch...
Junior Sport