From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Parent Teacher Conferences

Research continues to recognise the important role that parental support plays in creating an environment where children can achieve their academic potential. Next week, parent teacher conferences will be held for Prep to Year 5 students. The...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

You Can Do It Program

This term across Prep to Year 5, the You Can Do It Program relates to developing persistence and the habits of mind linked to working hard, giving effort and developing an ‘I can do it’ attitude. Persistence means trying hard and not giving up when...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5


The College hat is an important part of the school uniform. It is great to see many students playing on the ovals and grounds during break times. However, we remind parents that students must be wearing their hat during break times and when...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5


Students in Years 1-5 may only wear their sports uniform to school on the days they have HPE. Year 4 and 5 students may also wear their sport uniforms to school on Thursdays. Throughout the year there may also be rare occasions when students are...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

End of Term

This term has been particularly busy and exciting for all students across Prep – Year 5. Thank you to all parents and guardians for your support and involvement in the many and varied aspects of life in the Foundation and Junior College this term...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

P-2 Cross Country

On Wednesday, the Prep – Year 2 Cross Country Carnival was finally held under almost blue skies. Thank you to the many parents and family members who attended the event to support the students. A special thank you to Mr Darren Hooper for...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

P-2 Cross Country

Unfortunately due to wet weather, the P-2 Cross Country Carnival was postponed. The Carnival will now be held next Wednesday 22 nd June.
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Year 1 Playground

Recently, a number of students have suffered injuries whilst playing on the swings and playground equipment adjacent to the Year 1C classroom. These injuries have occurred before and after school. To avoid injury, all students have been advised not...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Emotional Resilience

Emotional Resilience is essential in our daily lives, especially to help us deal with confrontations, making choices, getting bad results, encountering negative situations that are beyond our control or struggling with difficult day-to-day...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Year 3-7 Athletics Carnival

On Tuesday under clear blue (cool) skies, the Year 3-7 Athletics Carnival was held at the University of the Sunshine Coast. The standard of competition and the spirit displayed by all students was outstanding. A special thank you to those parents...
From the Head of Staff and Students P-5