Driver Awareness and Safety – Senior Personal Development Program
Posted on
14 Oct, 2021
A huge focus in the Senior Personal Development Program is providing education, learning opportunities and practical experience in students’ preparation for applying for their Learner and Provisional Driver’s licences and confidently and safely...
“Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (James 1:4) As the end of term approaches, it is important for all to persevere to the finish line. It is very easy to see the light at the end of the...
The Year 12 two-week Mock External Examination Block has commenced. It is a timely and important reminder for all students at Pacific to remain engaged in learning and focused on their preparation for exams and assessment, and to be confident that...
It is pertinent that this week’s character strength focus is perseverance. Described as being ‘hardworking and finishing what has been started, despite barriers and obstacles that arise’ ( Institute on Character, 2021 ), both senior students and...
On Tuesday, the Year 11 cohort completed their second Leadership Day, titled “Legacy Leavers”. The day was filled with whole cohort and small group activities, as well as time for individual reflection and goal setting. Students engaged with the...
After a busy start to the year, the Year 12 cohort are excitedly preparing for Pacific Lutheran’s first ever Year 12 retreat experience. As the students approach the final semester of their journey at Pacific, they will come together this Friday to...
I am sure that much has already been said about the great success of the school musical “Grease”, however it was a privilege to be able to see, first hand, the hours of hard work and dedication come to fruition over the weekend. The cast and...
Following the success of the Term One Year 12 trivia night, the Academic Pacific Action Group held another Academic trivia night for the Year 11s to be a part of. It was great to see more than half the cohort give up their Friday night to attend an...
On the second day back next term (Wednesday 21st April), our Year 11 cohort will have their first Leadership Day for the year. This will be a great way for them to begin to find their focus for the rest of their schooling journey as they explore...
This week marked two significant events in the life of senior college students, with students across two year levels being involved in their first Leadership Days for the year. The Year 12 Leadership Day began with the College Captains organising a...