From the Head of Career Development

Griffith University – Twilight Tours

Take a guided tour of the Gold Coast and Nathan campuses and find out more about life at Griffith. These tours will be held simultaneously at Nathan and Gold Coast campuses on Tuesday 26 th and Wednesday 27 th September from 4.00pm – 5.30pm...
From the Head of Career Development

Tax File Numbers (TFN) – Year 12 Students

Prospective university students are encouraged to apply early for a TFN. Students who gain entry to a university course must have a TFN to be able to defer their fee payment through HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP or the VET Student Loan. Visit the Australian...
From the Head of Career Development

Elite Athlete Program - University

Elite athlete programs recognise sporting excellence. Successful applicants have usually competed at state, national or international level in their chosen sport. While many universities are recognised as ‘Elite Athlete Friendly’ institutions and...
From the Head of Career Development

USC Headstart Program

Senior students Liam and Keaton Dines have successfully completed their first semester of tertiary study through the Headstart Program at the University of the Sunshine Coast. Liam and Keaton used their evenings to attend lectures and workshops on...
From the Head of Career Development

Bachelor of Education – New Entry Requirements

Students interested in studying a Bachelor of Education (Early, Primary or Secondary) now have an additional course entry requirement as specified through the Queensland College of Teachers for professional registration. Currently the prerequisites...
From the Head of Career Development

UQ Law

If you dream of a career in law and have experienced difficult circumstances during your schooling you can apply for the: TC Beirne School of Law Leadership, Excellence and Diversity (LEAD) Scholarship, and/or UQ Special Admissions Scheme (SAS) for...
From the Head of Career Development

ACU Passion for Business

If you’re currently in Year 12 and studying a business-related subject, ACU’s Passion for Business (P4B) program offers students an early competitive edge. P4B is a guaranteed early entry program designed to nurture your learning potential and give...
From the Head of Career Development

Key Dates

5 th September: CQUniversity, Noosa campus Information Session Open Day 12 th September: Meet USC and Headstart Information Session
From the Head of Career Development

Upcoming Experience and Open Days

19 th August Aviation Careers Expo 2017: 20 th August Robotronica at the Queensland University of Technology: University of Melbourne Open Day: https://openday...
From the Head of Career Development

QUT and the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC)

QUT and the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) have agreed to move towards a transfer of QUT’s Caboolture campus to USC from 1 st January 2018. In light of the transition, a University Information Morning will be held on Sunday 20 th August from...
From the Head of Career Development