General Notices

Professional Photos - College Services

The professional photos from the 2015 Year 12 Graduation Service, the 2015 Closing Ceremony and the 2016 Opening Ceremony are available for purchase at . The photos can be accessed in the Client Viewing Area and are $...
General Notices

Position Vacant - Uniform Shop Convenor

The College is seeking the services of a Uniform Shop Convenor. This is a permanent part-time (term time) position of 12 hours per week. Applications close on Friday 5 th February. See the College website for further details: http://www...
General Notices

Speech and Drama UNHCR Fundraiser

Thank you to the students and families who participated in our lesson fundraiser last week. In total, we raised $569 for UNHCR to assist refugees in Europe. Thank you also to the teachers who allowed me to take their students for those extra lessons...
General Notices

Shoe Collection - Samoa

We are collecting running shoes for underprivileged runners in Samoa. If you have any joggers / sneakers / sandshoes / runners that you no longer need, a collection box has been set up in the Prep H room. The collection is open until 6 th November,...
General Notices

Casual Position Vacant

A casual position exists for a School Crossing Supervisor at Pacific Lutheran College and at other schools in the area. The School Crossing Supervisor may be required to work five days per week in all weather conditions. The hours of work for School...
General Notices